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Govhack portal

##Note This is doc is v0.01. I'll add more details in the coming days, but should be enough to get you started with the project -- Andy

###How to run

####Get gradle Install gradle on your computer... On Mac brew install gradle on other OS:

####Get Postgres

  • Install postgres, either via brew install postgresql or by downloading the install from
  • Create a Database called govhack_portal and a user called govhack with access to that database (user doesn't need password)

If you have issues setting up Postgres on mac, this is a good tutorial (it's old, but still applies): - once you're setup, make sure you're running postgres as a service, if you installed with brew run brew services restart postgresql

Also, before you continue, make sure you can successfully login to the database with psql -U govhack -d govhack_portal

####Prepare the database Go to the main folder of this app and run

gradle dropAll update

This will prepare your database (after installing all the dependencies it needs)

####Run the app! Go to the main folder of the app run

gradle bootRun

(in another terminal window)

  • Go to ./app and run npm install to install all the npm dependencies
  • Run npm run watch to start a webpack watch server or npm run build to build the app.


If everything went well, you should be able to access http://localhost:9088/portal