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Philip Crotwell edited this page May 18, 2015 · 1 revision


SeisFile supports the FDSN Event web service and parsing of QuakeML . StAX (Streaming API for XML) is used internally for this parsing.

Java Example

An example of using the FDSN event web service from within your own code is shown in This uses FDSNEventQueryParams to build the query and FDSNEventQuerier to connect to the server and execute the query.


An client for the FDSN event web service is in src/main/java/edu/sc/seis/seisFile/fdsnws/ For example:

bin/fdsnevent -b 2013 -e 2013 -m 7

finds all magnitude 7 or larger events in 2013.

Usage is:

Usage: java
                [-v|--version] [-h|--help] [(-p|--props) <props>] [--printurl] [--raw] [--baseurl <baseurl>] [--host <host>] [(-R|--box-area) <box>] [(-d|--donut) <donut>] [(-b|--begin) <begin>] [(-e|--end) <end>] [(-m|--magnitude) <magnitude>] [(-t|--types) types1,types2,...,typesN ] [(-D|--depth) <depth>] [(-c|--catalogs) catalogs1,catalogs2,...,catalogsN ] [(-C|--contributors) contributors1,contributors2,...,contributorsN ] [--includeallorigins] [--includeallmagnitudes] [--includearrivals] [--validate]
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