Releases: graphieros/savyg
sparkline chart
Added a sparkline chart:
import { chartSparkline } from savyg;
dataset: {
values: number[],
name: string,
periods?: string[],
color?: string,
parent: HTMLElement,
options: {
Improved documentation & more
1. Improved documentation
Chart options documentation is now visible on hover in your IDE
2. Reliability
Charts won't break anymore if user passes data as strings
Improved donut chart
arcs are now a filled shape instead of just a path, allowing to use a border. New chart option:
donutBorderWidth: number
dataLabels can be either a text element, or a div inside a foreignObject, allowing further customizations. New chart option:
dataLabelsAsDivs : boolean; // true will display dataLabels as divs inside foreignObjects
Added updateData exposed method
Calling updateData will redraw the chart with a new dataset, keeping previously set options, parent and callbacks.
Available on all charts (chartXy, chartDonut, chartGauge)
The chart must be built with a variable declaration in the first place:
let myXyChart = chartXy({...})
To call the updateData method, the variable must be reassigned:
myXyChart = myXyChart.updateData(myNewDataset)
Better uuid generation & improved callbacks
- Better uuid generation for svg & html elements
- Neater returned data from donut callbacks
Added chart callbacks
On xy and donut charts, callbacks can be passed to emit selected data on click or hover:
dataset: [],
options: {},
parent: myDiv,
callbacks: {
onClickLegend: clickLegend,
onHoverLegend: hoverLegend,
onClickPeriod: clickPeriod,
onHoverPeriod: hoverPeriod
function clickLegend(item) {
function hoverLegend(item) {
function clickPeriod(item) {
function hoverPeriod(item) {
dataset: [],
options: {},
parent: myDiv,
callbacks: {
onClickArc: clickArc,
onHoverArc: hoverArc,
onClickLegend: clickLegend,
onHoverLegend: hoverLegend
function clickArc(item) {
function hoverArc(item) {
function clickLegend(item) {
function hoverLegend(item) {
Improved donut labels
Better control of dataLabels.
Added the following chart options:
: numberdataLabelsLineOffset
: numberhideLabelUnderPercentage
: numberdonutRadiusRatio
: number
Added arrow element
Easy api to create an arrow to include in an existing svg:
import { arrow } from "savyg"
options: {
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: 30,
y2: 30,
marker: "end", // "start" | "end" | "both"
size: 10,
// + all other options from the line element (stroke-width, stroke-linecap, stroke... and so on)
parent: document.querySelector("#mySvg")
Better uids
Replaced elements id generation with window.crypto instead of Math.random
Refresh feature & more
Prior to this version, charts only returned the svg element.
Since v1.1.3, charts all return a refresh function that can be used to handle reactivity.
Return values of all charts:
chart: SVGElement,
refresh: (parentElement: HTMLElement) => SVGElement
chart: SVGElement,
refresh: (parentElement: HTMLElement) => SVGElement,
arcs: {
pathElement: SVGPathElement,
name: string,
color: string,
uid: string,
value: number,
percentage: number
chart: SVGElement,
refresh: (parentElement: HTMLElement) => SVGElement
arcs: {
pathElement: SVGPathElement,
color: string
Refresh functions can be called once the chart is already mounted:
let myDonutChart = chartDonut({
parent: myDiv
// Refresh can be called whenever data changes, and the chart needs to be redrawn:
myDonutChart = myDonutChart.refresh(myDiv)
New functions available:
findArcAtMidpoint(pathElement: SVGPathElement): Coordinates
Returns x and y coordinates of the center of an arc. This is very useful if you want to create your own labels on a donut, or add an extra label on only one arc of the gauge. You can also combine this function with the following one:
initX: number,
initY: number,
centerX: number,
centerY: number,
offset: number
}): Coordinates
Returns x and y coordinates perfectly offset. This is awesome if you need to trace a line from the center of an arc to anywhere your label will be, and also calculate further coordinates for a text label, or a foreignObject containing wtf you need.
x: number,
centerX: number,
middleRange = 0
}) : "start" | "middle" | "end"
Returns a text-anchor value based on the x coordinate of a label, the x center reference, and a middleRange size, where "middle" will be returned. This was useful af when making the donut.