Files for running Elastic (ELK) with docker-compose on Ubuntu
Create a folder called elk and copy the following files into it:
Inside the elk folder create the following folders:
For Linux:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
docker-compose -f create-certs.yml run --rm create_certs
Edit the docker-compose.yml file Line comment out the Kibana section. This can be done by adding a # in the front of each line. This needs to be done as Kibana will not start up until we create a password for it.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
Open a new terminal window and type the following to generate a password (single command line):
docker exec es01 /bin/bash -c "bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto --batch --url https://localhost:9200"
This will generate all the passwords. Make sure to make a copy of these.
Remove the Line comments that were added in the previous section for Kibana. Change the password for ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD: with the one generated from the previous section for the Kibana user.
Shutdown the previous Docker ELK session by typing:
docker-compose down
Start a new docker session by typing:
docker-compose up
Wait a minute or two and you should be able to access kibana at
Login with the elastic user and the password generated from earlier.
docker-compose can be ran in the background using the -d switch, such as:
docker-compose up -d
Docker version can be changed by editing the VERSION variable in the .env file.