A KairosDB plugin for collectd using collectd's Python plugin.
This is based on the collectd-carbon plugin
- Place kairosdb_writer.py in /usr/lib64/collectd/ (assuming you have collectd installed to /usr/lib64/collectd/).
- Configure the plugin (see below).
- Restart collectd.
Add the following to your collectd config or use the included kairosdb.conf.
<LoadPlugin "python">
Globals true
<Plugin "python">
ModulePath "/usr/lib64/collectd/"
Import "kairosdb_writer"
<Module "kairosdb_writer">
KairosDBHost "localhost"
KairosDBPort 4242
KairosDBProtocol "tcp"
LowercaseMetricNames true
TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/types.db" "/etc/collectd/types/custom.db"