This bundle adds the powerful Tracy debug tool to the Symfony2 framework.
Why is Tracy better than the Symfony build-in debugger?
- Exception stack trace contains values of all method arguments.
- Request & Response & Server environment information is displayed on the error page.
- The whole error page with full stack trace can be easily stored to some directory as HTML file (useful on production mode).
- Webmaster can be notified by email about errors that occured on the site.
See full Tracy docs and sample error page.
Tracy is a part of the Nette Framework.
- Install via composer:
composer require kutny/tracy-bundle
- Add KutnyTracyBundle to your application kernel. For This bundle to catch as many errors as possible it should be the first bundle in the bundles array.
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
new Kutny\TracyBundle\KutnyTracyBundle(),
// ...
1) app.php / app_dev.php
Open web/app.php and web/app_dev.php files and add the following code before the AppKernel class is instantiated:
Or force the production mode where only general server error page will be displayed to the user (read more):
I also recommend you to enable Tracy in a strict mode so it can handle errors of type E_NOTICE and E_WARNING too.
\Tracy\Debugger::$strictMode = true;
2) config.yml
emails: ['[email protected]'] # error notification recipients
exceptions_directory: <directory> # optional, default directory set to %kernel.logs_dir%/exceptions
store_username_in_server_variable: true|false # optional, default value = false; stores username of logged user in $_SERVER['SYMFONY_USERNAME'] - helps you to find out which user encountered the error
- Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException
- RuntimeException
- UnexpectedValueException
This bundle license:
Tracy debugger license: