This repository contains the code for the "Classification-with-an-Academic-Success" competition on Kaggle.
This repository contains the code for the "Classification-with-an-Academic-Success" competition on Kaggle. Please note that this code is not officially provided by Kaggle or any other official source. It is written by me for reference purposes only. The code may have limitations or errors, and it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and adjust it according to their needs.
To download the dataset, execute the following command:
kaggle competitions download -c playground-series-s4e6
Alternatively, you can download the dataset from the Kaggle competition page: Classification with an Academic Success Dataset.
Before you run the code by GPU, you need install cuml, follow this website: RAPIDS Install
Ensure your directory structure is as follows:
+-- dataset/
| |
| +-- train.csv
| +-- test.csv
| +-- sample_submission.csv
Once the dataset is in place, you're ready to run the code and train your model.