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A logging framework for Empire at War


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A logging framework for Star Wars: Empire at War and Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption


Drop the provided scripts directory into your mod/data directory. That's it.


The framework splits the logging into the logger (the thing you usually call within your code to log a message) and the sink (the part that takes care of the actual output).

You can create a logger instance with a single call:

my_logger = require("eaw-log/logger")

This instance comes with reasonable defaults and a default file sink pre-configured. Currently the file sink is the only supported logging mechanism and outputs all logged messages to a specific log file (default: eaw-lua.log)


The logger provides the following logging methods. Let's assume the logger instance is called my_logger and was created as described above.

my_logger:trace("A trace message.")
my_logger:info("An info message.")
my_logger:warn("A warning message.")
my_logger:error("An error message.")

Each method can also be called with a formatting string and an arbitrary amount of additional arguments:

my_logger:trace("A message from %s with a nice floating point number %f.", "Darth Vader", 2.344)

Depending on the object you pass, you may have to explicitly call tostring() on the argument. This is usually necessary for non-native data types, e.g. GameObjects, etc.

local my_object = {my = 3, complicated = 4, object = "test"}
my_logger:trace("A message from %s with a nice floating point number %f and my complicated object %s", "Darth Vader", 2.344, tostring(object))


The logger provides several configuration methods that allow chaining:

Log Level

Log levels range between 0 and 3, default is 2.

Log Level Explanation
0 Only error messages will be logged.
1 Only error and warning messages will be logged.
2 Error, warning, and information messages will be logged.
3 Error, warning, information, and debug trace messages will be logged.
my_logger = require("eaw-log/logger"):with_log_level(1)

Logger with Custom Sink

my_logger = require("eaw-log/logger"):with_sink("file")

with_sink() either accepts a string that represents the name of a file in the eaw-log/sinks/ directory, or a preconfigured sink.


my_customized_logger =

This will create a logger (require("eaw-log/logger")) that logs all log messages from errors to traces (:with_log_level(3)) to the file "my_log_file.txt" (:with_sink(require("eaw-log/sinks/file"):with_target_file("my_log_file.txt")))

Adding Sinks

You can add sinks by adding them to the eaw-log/sinks/ directory.

Requirements/Sink API

A valid sink must fulfill the following rules:

  • The sink is a valid table.
  • The sink provides a function sink.__log(self: table, message: string)
  • The sink has a property sink.__id of type string that contains the name of the file without the .lua file ending.
  • The sink has a property sink.__has_character_limit of type bool that is true if the target has a character limit (e.g. the Game_Message(message: string) function.) This will omit the call stack in from the log level ERROR.

See the eaw-log/sinks/file.lua and eaw-log/sinks/droid-log.lua as an example.

Available Sinks

Sink: File (Recommended)

A sink that logs to the base game's AI log and a configurable file.


  • Only useful with the EaW/FoC debug build.

Sink: Screen Text

A sink that logs to the ingame screen text display (the display where dialogue is shown).


local plot = Get_Story_Plot("STORY_SANDBOX_27_UNDERWORLD.XML")
local screen_text = plot.Get_Event("Generic_Screen_Text")
local screen_text_sink = require("eaw-log/sinks/screen-text")
                           :with_event(screen_text, "GENERIC_SCREEN_TEXT")

Logger = require("eaw-log/logger")


  • Only useful with the latest EaW/FoC Steam version.
  • Logging an error in debug mode will crash the game, but works fine in the regular build.

Sink: Droid Log

A sink that logs to the game's droid advisor popup and subsequent message log.


  • Only useful with the latest EaW/FoC Steam version.
  • If the log exceeds a (currently unknown) character limit the game will crash to desktop.
  • The log messages may not appear in order of creation in the script.
  • The log messages may overwhelm the droid log.


2022-01-18 - 2.1.0

  • Features
    • New Sink: Screen Text

2021-01-18 - 2.0.0

  • Features
    • New Sink: Droid Log
  • Changes
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Sink API Updated to include sink.__id and sink.__has_character_limit properties.

2020-06-09 - 1.0.0

  • Features
    • Initial release