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Typesafe Config Extensions

Libraries supporting Typesafe Config.

This project's release artifacts are available in the Maven Central Repository.



typesafeconfig-factory provides a ConfigFactory class with which you can clearly and concisely express how you want all sources of configuration data to be aggregated.

import edu.gatech.gtri.typesafeconfigextensions.factory.*;
import static edu.gatech.gtri.typesafeconfigextensions.factory.ConfigFactory.*;

A standard configuration loader can be defined as follows.

ConfigFactory standard = emptyConfigFactory()

reference.conf classpath resources are overridden by application.conf, and both are overridden by system properties.

Suppose we also want to load configuration from /etc/exampleApp.conf, sandwiched in the precedence order between the classpath configs and the system properties. The previous factory can be adapted to this requirement.

java.nio.file.Path path = java.nio.file.Paths.get("/etc/exampleApp");

ConfigFactory custom = standard

Suppose we don't want to use a fixed filesystem path, but would rather let the user of our application decide where to put their config file.

To support this scenario, ConfigFactory repeats its loading process twice so that values from the first Config can be used to load even more configuration on the second go. This allows us to load a file by key:

ConfigFactory custom2 = standard

Now someone can launch your application with the JVM flag -DexampleApp.config.file=$HOME/myAppSettings, and the contents of $HOME/myAppSettings.conf will be loaded into the configuration.

Maven dependency



typesafeconfig-jndi converts a JNDI context into a Config object so you'll never have to deal with the javax.naming API again.

import javax.naming.Context;
import static edu.gatech.gtri.typesafeconfigextensions.jndi.JndiContexts.*;

To convert from javax.naming.Context to Config:

Context someContext = /* ... */;
Config config = context(someContext).toConfig();

To just retrieve a JNDI variable named abc from the initial context:

String configValue = jndiContext().toConfig().getString("abc");

Maven dependency


For Webapps

typesafeconfig-for-webapps defines a standard ConfigFactory for servlet-based web applications.

import edu.gatech.gtri.typesafeconfigextensions.forwebapps.WebappConfigs.*;
ServletContext servletContext = /* ... */;
ConfigFactory factory = webappConfigFactory(servletContext);

This factory loads these configuration sources, in order from highest to lowest precedence:

  • System properties
  • File: JNDI([servlet context path]
  • File: ${}/[servlet context path]
  • File: JNDI(webapp.config.file)
  • File: ${webapp.config file}
  • Classpath resource: application.conf
  • Classpath resource: reference.conf

JNDI(x) refers to the JNDI variable named x, [servlet context path] is the value of servletContext.getContextPath(), and ${x} denotes the value of the Config at path x.

You might set up server.xml in a Tomcat installation like this, for example:

<Context path="/myApplication/apiServer" docBase="/users/chris/myAppApiServer">
  <Environment name="" type="java.lang.String" value="${CATALINA_BASE}/conf"/>

(CATALINA_BASE is an environment variable pointing to the path of the Tomcat installation.)

This web application's ConfigFactory would then include configuration loaded from $CATALINA_BASE/conf/myApplication/apiServer.conf.

Maven dependency


For Scala

typesafeconfig-for-scala adds some sugar to help use the Config library in Scala.

import edu.gatech.gtri.typesafeconfigextensions.forscala._
val a = "A { B: C }, D: E".toConfig          // A { B: C }, D: E
val b = ("A" -> 7).toConfig                  // A: 7
val c = Seq("A" -> 4, "B" -> "C").toConfig   // A: 4, B: C
val d = c ++ b                               // A: 7, B: C
val e = b + ("F" -> "G")                     // A: 7, F: G
val f = a - "A"                              // D: E

SBT dependency

libraryDependencies += "edu.gatech.gtri.typesafeconfig-extensions" %
                       "typesafeconfig-for-scala_2.10" % "1.1"

Information for developers

Build scripts

./sbt to launch the build tool (SBT).

./checkstyle to run Checkstyle.


Setting up SBT

Add your Sonatype login to ~/.sbt/0.13/sonatype.sbt:

credentials += Credentials(
  "Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "",
  "your-username", "your-password")

Optionally, include the passphrase for the PGP key.

pgpPassphrase := Some("your-pgp-passphrase".toArray)

Publishing to Sonatype

./sbt publish

This creates a staging repository at

Close the staging repository.

If all is well, you can then Release the repository.