Pull full playlists from YouTube and automatically convert mp4 to mp3
$ git clone https://github.com/guidoesser/playlistgrabber.git
$ sudo apt install ffmpeg
$ cd playlistgrabber
$ mkdir mp3
$ chmod +x ./source/mp4tomp3.sh
$ python3 -m venv env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python ./source/get_playlist.py
At the moment you will get the following error message:
"pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError: regex pattern (\W['"]?t['"]?: ?'"['"]) had zero matches"
You have to change pytube in your environment:
$ nano ./playlistgrabber/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytube/extract.py
if age_restricted:
sts = regex_search(r'"sts"\s*:\s*(\d+)', embed_html, group=1)
# Here we use ``OrderedDict`` so that the output is consistent between
# Python 2.7+.
params = OrderedDict([
('video_id', video_id),
('eurl', eurl(video_id)),
('sts', sts),
# I'm not entirely sure what ``t`` represents. Looks to represent a
# boolean.
t = regex_search(
r'\W[\'"]?t[\'"]?: ?[\'"](.+?)[\'"]', watch_html,
params = OrderedDict([
('video_id', video_id),
('el', '$el'),
('ps', 'default'),
('eurl', quote(watch_url)),
('hl', 'en_US'),
('t', quote(t)),
if age_restricted:
sts = regex_search(r'"sts"\s*:\s*(\d+)', embed_html, group=1)
# Here we use ``OrderedDict`` so that the output is consistent between
# Python 2.7+.
params = OrderedDict([
('video_id', video_id),
('eurl', eurl(video_id)),
('sts', sts),
# I'm not entirely sure what ``t`` represents. Looks to represent a
# boolean.
#t = regex_search(
# r'\W[\'"]?t[\'"]?: ?[\'"](.+?)[\'"]', watch_html,
# group=0,
params = OrderedDict([
('video_id', video_id),
('el', '$el'),
('ps', 'default'),
('eurl', quote(watch_url)),
('hl', 'en_US'),
# ('t', quote(t)),
Then try again
$ python ./source/get_playlist.py