A deploy system using rake. Maybe a light version of capistrano
You may prefer to see the updated wiki
Capistrano is a great project, maybe a little big in some cases, but with one big problem: it aims to cover all possible use cases.
rake-deploy is like a simple version of capistrano, and only intended to be the clumping of the most common to all projects: The management of versions of code.
The basic operation of rake-deploy is based on three principles:
- Add a configuration task environment.
- A set of tasks provided by rake-deploy.
- Hooks for each of the tasks with rake-hooks
In your Rakefile add:
require 'rake/deploy'
In any of your task files (for example, for rails: lib/tasks/deploy.rake)
deploy.deploy_to = "/apps/app_name"
deploy.repository = "ssh://[email protected]/myrepo.git"
deploy.host = "esther.cientifico.net"
Now you can do: rake deploy:setup # To create app skeleton rake deploy # To deploy
For example, imagine you wan't to restart passanger, rake-deploy will not do it for you so just write:
after :deploy do
deploy.run(deploy.host, "touch #{deploy.deploy_to}/current/tmp/restart.txt")
Or you want to make a backup of your database in each deploy
before :deploy do
deploy.run("db.my_company.com", "mysqldump -u root my_app_db_production | gzip > /var/backups/#{deploy.release_name}.db.sql.bz2")
You can see more recipes, that you most copy and paste and edit in your files in the wiki:
- Use git.
- Don't use sudo (really need super user to deploy?)
- Use ssh keys from you to the server and from the server to the repo
- Use /current /releases/#{date} /shared schema in server (deploy:setup makes it for you)
- Use /shared/scaffold as a scaffold of your app. There will be the data shared between releases like database.yml, /tmp, /log or /public/shared
- User /shared/repo as a bare clone of your remote remote
Guillermo Álvarez [email protected]
22 Jul 2010