JHP is like PHP but using javascript This project is made to help making websites with node.js
To make a JHP server you need Node.JS
After you install Node.JS copy
- custom_tags/
- node_modules/
- public_html/
- server.js
- config.json
- package.json
Open a CMD and type npm start
To execute Node.JS commands, you need to make a file with .jhp extension , and use the tag , inside it you can put NodeJs Commands.
<jhp> echo($_FS.readdirSync('.')); //Read the server directory and print in the client screen. </jhp>
- To edit Configurations open the config.json
- IP - Server ip
- Port - Server port
- Server Folder - Server Folder where will be your .html or .jhp files
- Index File - Index File of your Server
- Without Extension - Remove fil extension from url
- Types - Define type for each Extension
- Errors - Define errors pages
- Define a Hash Code to your server, when you use Hash.generate(string)
<jhp>(nodejs commands)</jhp> - Executes Node.js commands inside this tag
To create a Custom HTML tag you need make a JHP file in 'custom_tags' folder
and in the file you define how it is the tag in HTML.
'exemple_tag.jhp': <h1>{title}</h1><p>{...}</p>
You can call this tag with: <exemple_tag title='test'>this tag is working :D</exemple_tag>
{...} it is a text between the tag
- $_FS - It's the fs from node.js
- $_HTTP - It's the http from node.js
- $_CONFIG - It's the config file of the server
- $_GET - Variable to get GET values
- $_POST - Variable to get POST values
- $_FILES - Variable to get Uploaded Files
- $_REQUEST - Get the URL after '/'
- $_REQUESTURL - Get the full URL
- $_REMOTEADDR - Get the Remote Address
echo(string) - print a string in the html result `aka echo from php´
include(path) - Read and Print a File in the Script
Hash.generate(string) - Convert a string into a hash
Cookie.set(key,value) - Set a key in cookie
Cookie.get(key) - Gets a cookie value
MySql.connect(database) - to connect in a MySql Database
MySql.query(sql) - to Update or Insert uses
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");
MySql.query(sql,callback(error, rows)) - to Get data from Data Base
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users",function(err,result){ result.forEach( (result) => { echo(result.email + "<br>"); }); });
- To start SQL Server, open the file:
JHP UI Server
L File Manager
L Database Manager
L WebSocket Manager
L JHP Server Config
L Remote Control
L JHP Updater
WebSocket Server
JHP Server Installer
Visual Studio And Sublime Text Extension to Interpret .jhp file
- fs
- http
- path
- cookies (https://github.com/pillarjs/cookies)
- mysql (https://github.com/mysqljs/mysql)
- mysql-server (https://github.com/BrodaNoel/mysql-server)
Help us make this big project, send your Pull Request to join in