Hi there, i'm QI(he/his) 👋 ![Profile Visits](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/654601993cbf1460f37794753a094915972057291d023f694dfa59803573a602/68747470733a2f2f6b6f6d617265762e636f6d2f67687076632f3f757365726e616d653d67756f7169616e677169267374796c653d666c6174266c6162656c3d50726f66696c652b56697369747326636f6c6f723d677265656e)
🌱 An open-source enthusiast and familiar with Deep Learning(Object Detection) / AutoML(NAS) and Numerical Optimization.
🔭 I used to be a core contributor to Eigen(as a member), which is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. Eigen is also used in Tensorflow.
✨ Also, i made contributions to Numba, which is a JIT compiler that translates a subset of Python and NumPy code into fast machine code for scientific computing.
⚡ I own the PFLD Github Project, that is an open-source implementation based on Tensorflow for Face Landmark Detection.
🏠 [email protected] | 🏢 [email protected]
开源爱好者,学硬件的软件工程师,华为胶片工程师。早期研究方向为深度学习领域目标检测&识别,因复现PFLD网络并开源接触社区;加入华为2012实验室后负责业界&自研数学库性能优化,开源 Eigen、Nubma 项目贡献者;当前负责开源社区开发者关系&体验(DevRel & DX)的运营和5个猫崽的铲屎工作。