Python beautifier tcp server based on autopep8, yapf, isort.
Only suport Unix-like system and python3.3+ currently.
Before this, I use atom-beautify to format my code, but it's too slow(about 3 seconds) because every format operation will create a new python process.
So I write the beautifier server in python and beautifier client in node.js, they communicate by tcp socket. It's performance is much better(about 300 ms).
$ pip install pybeautifier
Besides, you should install one or more of autopep8, yapf, isort based on your needs.
$ pybeautifier # front ground process
$ pybeautifier -d # daemon process, logging to /tmp/pybeautifier.log
It will start listening to tcp://${BEAUTIFIER_HOST}:${BEAUTIFIER_PORT}.
Env variables:
BEAUTIFIER_HOST - IP address or hostname (Default:
BEAUTIFIER_PORT - Port number (Default: 36805)
Start at boot via systemd(Ubuntu16 or Arch Linux):
$ wget
$ cp pybeautifier.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/
$ systemctl start pybeautifier
$ systemctl enable pybeautifier
'data': 'text_need_format',
'formaters': [
'name': 'formater_name',
'config': {} # None or dict
... # formaters
'error': 'error message',
'data': 'formated text'