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A Quest is like a re-quest with the goal of getting it right the first time!

This is a pattern I've extracted from production code for making API calls to third party services. I'm not sure yet whether it will become a useful library itself, or just an example of a pattern.


My original impetus was to achieve greater parallelism in our test suite. Previously we had a global mock for 3rd party calls and had to serialize all tests that called any particular service. With the Quest approach, we can keep ExUnit in async: true mode.

I took inspiration from other libraries in the Elixir ecosystem, specifically the Plug.Conn and Ecto.Changeset. Both are structs that we update in steps according to our business logic, then at the end, conceptually "execute" them. It is related to Enum.reduce over an accumulator, and in some circles the functions that perform the updates are known as 'reducers'. Rene Föhring gave a talk at ElixirConf US 2018 calling the structs "tokens".

Accumulation Pattern

"Accumulation Pattern" is the name I'm going with now, but let's see how the community responds. I've augmented it by making the accumulator struct implement Collectable.

Quest Struct

defmodule Quest do
  defstruct verb: :get,
            base_url: nil,
            headers: [],
            path: "",
            params: [],
            payload: "",
            encoding: :json,
            debug: false,
            adapter_options: [],
            appmeta: [],
            dispatcher: nil

  def dispatch(%__MODULE__{dispatcher: dispatcher} = q) do
    # more discussion below

Most of the fields should be no surprise as a way of abstracting outgoing HTTP calls. debug is a convenience to be more verbose in logging. adapter_options are intended to abstract over options to send to the lower-level library that actually performs the http calls. In my case, I've been using this with HTTPoison. appmeta is a catch-all sort of field that lets us put app-specific metadata in there that other modules in our codebase can use. Some examples are a metric name or login credentials/tokens or a token to check for outgoing throttling, or a count of times to retry.

Note that params, headers, adapter_options, appmeta are all empty lists to allow for proplists since duplicate keys may be required. In any particular use for a concrete client implementation, they can be overridden with maps for convenience.

We'll come back to the dispatcher field and dispatch/1 function after more of a tour.

defimpl Collectable, for: Quest do
  @collectable_struct_members [:params, :headers, :adapter_options, :appmeta]

  def into(q) do
    {q, &collector/2}

  defp collector(q, {:cont, {key, value}}) when key in @collectable_struct_members do
    updated_value =
      case Map.get(q, key) do
        current_value when is_map(current_value) -> Enum.into(value, current_value)
        current_value when is_list(current_value) -> value ++ current_value
    Map.replace!(q, key, updated_value)

  defp collector(q, {:cont, {key, value}}) do
    Map.replace!(q, key, value)

  defp collector(q, :done), do: q
  defp collector(_q, :halt), do: :ok

The Collectable protocol may not be that widely known, but it is what is required of the 2nd parameter to Enum.into/2. This implementation does a 1-level merge. If the key is among params, headers, adapter_options, appmeta then we merge into what is already in the struct. Other fields are replaced. The advantage of this will become more clear in our next code example of an API client module that makes use of this pattern.

defmodule NeatoService do
  @default_q %Quest{
    dispatcher: Quest.HTTPoisonDispatcher,
    params: %{},
    base_url: "",
    adapter_options: [recv_timeout: 20000]

  def client(%{service: "neato", api_token: token}, client_opts \\ []) do
    |> Keyword.merge(params: [source: token])
    |> Enum.into(@default_q)

  def things(req, params \\ []) do
    http_req(req, path: "things", params: params)

  defp http_req(req, options) do
    |> Enum.into(req)
    |> Quest.dispatch()

First, notice that at compile time we create a default Quest struct with some additional customization. We specify a module as the dispatcher, we limit params to be a map, we specify a base_url (which could be read from Application.get_env/2) at compile time, and we set some lower-level adapter_options because perhaps this service is known to be slow and we need to increase the receive timeout.

The client/1,2 call is expected to come first. It receives an api_token and pattern matches to ensure it is for the right name of service. The client_opts are optional. We'll come back to that. For this hypothetical NeatoService, it takes a token parameter. I've used much more sophisticated styles of authentication with this pattern, but this is a good first example.

Code that uses NeatoService would be expected to look something like:

credentials = %{service: "neato", api_token: "bigsecret"}
client = NeatoService.client(credentials)
response = NeatoService.things(client, type: "uber_neato")

Testing Story

Now the big reveal: that 2nd optional parameter to NeatoService is the key to enabling asynchronous tests without a mock library. The Quest.dispatch/1 function looks like this:

  def dispatch(%__MODULE__{dispatcher: dispatcher} = q) do
    case dispatcher do
      fun when is_function(fun, 1) -> fun.(q)
      mod when is_atom(mod) -> dispatcher.dispatch(q)

That means your asynchronous, parallel tests can do this:

test "neato shirt things" do
  mocked_dispatcher = fn %Quest{params: %{type: "shirts"}} ->
    {:ok, %{"things" => [%{"title"  => "Pockets on a Shirt!"}]}}

  {:ok, resp} =
    %{service: "neato", api_token: "test_token"}
    |> NeatoService.client(dispatcher: mocked_dispatcher)
    |> NeatoService.things(type: "shirts")

  first_thing = get_in(resp, ["things",])

  assert %{"title" => "Pockets on a Shirt!"} = first_thing

By supplying the dispatcher in that optional 2nd parameter to NeatoService.client you can provide canned responses. That mocked_dispatcher could even do its own assertions if it makes sense. The overidden value of dispatcher, HTTPoisonDispatcher is rather pedestrian, but can be found here. Each test will have its own instance of the Quest struct, which will each contain their own anonymous function overriding the dispatcher field, and can therfore be run in parallel.

The dispatcher can also be something more app-specific. It might be a wrapper around Tesla. Maybe you prefer gun. Or maybe you want to mint your lower level interactions. It might log/send metrics/throttle outgoing calls. The choice is up to you. The core idea is that you could make assertions against building up a proper Quest struct as well as providing canned, asychronous-friendly responses in your tests. Using this 10+ times, my co-workers and I have found this a clear way to quickly build new, flexible, API clients, and to keep our tests running efficiently.

The Con

In normal production code use, you'll have an extra call to NeatoService.client/1 before a second call that really dispatches the Quest. That client can be reused or cached in most cases when you have multiple calls to make to the same service. I find it to be a worthwhile tradeoff for the testing advantages it gains us.

Further Possibilities

Once we adopt this Quest struct, there's more that can be done. I've created a concept I call a Gateway that wraps the dispatcher to provide consistent logging, metrics, outgoing throttling, and retry logic. I've also begun extracting for reuse an Unpager module that can take API calls that have paged results and wrap them in a Stream for the rest of my business logic to easily consume. Reuse of these are made possible because they can rely on the common Quest struct as a data structure that represents an action.

Love it? Hate it? Other? I'd appreciate your feedback via email or Twitter (@gregvaughn)

Special thanks to my employer Seat Scouts for allowing me to extract and share these examples, and for my co-workers who have experimented with them with me.


Pattern for building API clients in Elixir






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