To assist or automate tasks requested by ULAB members.
- Detect when a task is submitted to the ULAB Tasking Google form.
- Parse the response data from the form and pass it into a handling function that will determine what to do for the task and execute the appropriate function(s).
- Ability to add specific handling functions for a given task in a modular fashion.
- Access the Google API and any other APIs as necessary for its functions.
- Ability to check (edit?) status of tasks.
- Generic functions for common actions such as emailing a group of people and sending periodic reminders.
- Read the
within the 'secrets' folder and insert necessary files. - Enter in the following terminal command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Make the 'api' folder your working directory
- Type in the following terminal command:
- Google form has a script and an associated installable trigger that calls the function onFormSubmit when a user submits a form.
- The function gets the form response data and the email of the user and sends it to the ULAB website in the form of a HTTP POST request.
- The request contains a JSON payload with the data, which is received by the website.
- Website has a general handler function which does several actions using the data: a. Creates task in the database which can then be later displayed to users. b. Runs appropriate task function for the data -- this handles the "task." (task functions come from the "service-handlers" library)
- For multi-step tasks, runs additional handling code as necessary (for example, wait for approval).
- Update task status and either go to next step of task (return to step 5) or completes task with final status (e.g. "completed," "failed," etc.)
- "api" folder
- Made into a library
- "secret" folder
- Made into a library
file- "service-providers" folder
- Made into a library
- Use various API to assist onboarding
- Update the Status Web Page for relevant statuses
Use Google Calendar API automate room scheduling
Match ULAB website's web design
Public status page
- Search feature
MySQL database for statuses
Retrieve statuses from the Google sheet
- Methods
- update_status(status)
- Properties
- id
- name
- assignee
- deadline
- created
- type
- status
- Methods
- add_task(task)
- Properties
- type
- list
Organize and document the Python file for service providers to use easily.
- Detects task submission
- Submit task data to the website through HTTP POST request
- Updates UI to relevant statuses of each individual task
- Series of "if" statements to handle task
- Imports task handling methods from the "service_provider" library
- Email task assignee to be notified