Implementation of a compiler for a simple imperative language Latte
Latte is an imperative language, almost a subset of Java and can be easily translated to it.
A Latte program is a sequence of function definitions. A function definition has a value type, a name, an argument list, and a body consisting of statements.
Names in function definitions must be different.
One function must have the name main. Its value type must be int and its argument list empty:
int main () { ... } ;
All functions should return a value of their value type. Void functions without return statements are allowed.
Functions can call each other.
Full grammar can be found latte
// Hello world
int main () {
printString("hello world") ;
return 0 ;
printInt(fact(7)) ;
printInt(factr(7)) ;
return 0 ;
// iterative
int fact (int n) {
int i,r ;
i = 1 ;
r = 1 ;
while (i < n+1) {
r = r * i ;
i++ ;
return r ;
// recursive
int factr (int n) {
if (n < 2)
return 1 ;
return (n * factr(n-1)) ;
More valid examples in good directory.
To test frontend some examples of incorrect programmes bad
Full description of requirements: latte
Use the package manager cabal to install hex and discrimination-0.4.
cabal install hex
cabal install discrimination-0.4
latc_x86 foo/bar/baz.lat for a correct program baz.lat should create files baz.s (assembly) and executtable a.out in the directory foo/bar
latc_x86 foo/bar/baz.lat
For an accepted program, the compiler must output OK ("OK\n") and exit with code 0.
For a rejected program, the first line of stderr must be ERROR ("ERROR\n"). Further lines should contain appropriate error messages. The compiler must then exit with a non-zero exit code.