The BayesianDFM package provides relevant functions for running a Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
The following functions are contained in the package:
*bvar_jeff *comp_f_state *draw_lam *draw_sig *get_ic *get_nowcast *multimove_gibbs *prepare_data *run_model
For further information about the functions, check out the function descriptions.
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
Load and prepare the input data
target <- c("UKGDPM.YQ") # Define target variable
# De-mean & standardize data
Xmat <- prepare_data(flows = data$flows,
stocks = data$stocks,
target = target)
yt <- as.matrix(t(Xmat))
Make a in-sample evaluation of the optimal number of factors
IC <- get_ic(Xmat) # Check information criteria
Define the parameters for the model
k <- 2 # number of states (number of factors)
q <- 1 # lag length for state equation
m <- k*q
n <- dim(yt)[1] # Number of variables
Tt <- dim(yt)[2] # Number of high-frequency periods
Ttq <- Tt-q
const <- 0 # choose constant in the state equation (we choose no constant)
Having all the parameters, run the model
out <- run_model(yt,k,q,m,n,Tt,Ttq,const,target)