Quranic sound recognizer to detect any wrong recitation using Deep Learning technique
Available on telegram with username @the_recitation_bot
Link: https://telegram.me/the_recitation_bot
- Database: Mongo
- Algorithm: Convolutional Neural Network
- Containerization: Docker CE
- Orchestration: Docker Swarm
Don't forget to set secrets
- ../secrets/telegramtoken
- ../secrets/mongouser
- ../secrets/mongopass
- ../secrets/mongohost
- pip install -r requirements (delete tensorflow part if you use tensorflow-gpu)
- apt-get install python-tk
- Install ffmpeg
- Run tensorboard: tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/logs/ --port=80 --host=
- or on mac: python /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorboard/main.py --logdir=/tmp/logs/ --port=8080 --host=
- Run mp3 convertion: ffmpeg -i file.mp3 -acodec pcm_u8 -filter:a loudnorm -ar 22050 -y file.wav
- Run ogg convertion: ffmpeg -i file.ogg -filter:a loudnorm -ar 22050 -y file.wav
- $ git add .
- $ git reset
- $ git stash save --keep-index
It's json structured contains 2 schema
- telegram_id
- username
- current_verse
- current_ayah
- stage_level
- score
- stage_number
- verse_number
- total_ayah
- Ganti max_pad_len