This image does not require any preconfiguration to run. To use this image, map a directory from the host to /var/lib/quasselcore
To run this image:
/usr/bin/docker run -p 4242:4242 -v /path/to/quassel/storage:/var/lib/quasselcore --name=quassel-main hachque/quassel-core
What do these parameters do?
-p 4242:4242 = forward the host's 4242 port to Quassel
-v /path/to/quassel/storage:/var/lib/quasselcore = map the storage directory for Quassel
--name quassel-main = the name of the container
hachque/quassel-core = the name of the image
This image is intended to be used in such a way that a new container is created each time it is started, instead of starting and stopping a pre-existing container from this image. You should configure your service startup so that the container is stopped and removed each time. A systemd configuration file may look like:
Description=Quassel Main instance
ExecStart=<command to start instance, see above>
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop quassel-main
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker rm quassel-main
Username: root
Password: linux