strichliste1 has been replaced by strichliste2. See for the new version!
This module is the API for the strichliste app. Arbitrary clients can be implemented using this API
Grab the latest release
$ npm i
$ npm run test
creates the tables in the sqlitefile
$ npm run setup:database
For your convenience the following npm script does all of the above steps at once:
$ npm run setup
Consider editing the configuration before starting the api server (see the configuration section).
$ npm run start
The API server brings with it a default configuration which can be found in /configuration/default.js
. This default can be used to setup your own configuration.
The server utilizes the configurations module from npm which does a staged modification of configurations. Initially the default config is loaded and then subsequent modifications are applied.
You can add your own environment specific configuration by adding e.g. a production.js
to the configurations folder. When the server is started with the node environment NODE_ENV
set to production
, the default config is enhanced by your production config. You don't have to specify each and every key from default.js
, the defaults are retained.
You also can specify an external configuration sitting on an arbitrary place in your system by assigning it via a command line parameter:
$ node server.js --externalconfig=/etc/opt/strichliste/myconfig.js
This section explains the content of the default.json which can be modified by you as you wish
module.exports = {
//the server runs on this port
port: 8080,
//details to the database
database: {
//the engine that should be used, until now only sqlite is supported
type: 'SQLITE',
//(arbitrary) options to the database engine
options: {
filename: 'data.sqlite'
//strichliste announces actions via mqtt if desired
mqtt: {
//enable mqtt broadcasting
enabled: false,
//the mqtt service host
host: 'localhost',
// the mqtt service port
port: 1883,
//a list of topics that are broadcasted
topics: {
//gets broadcasted when someone adds a new transaction
transactionValue: 'strichliste/transactionValue'
//boundaries define values the apply to a user account or the transactions of auser
boundaries: {
account: {
//the maximum amount that can be stored in a user's account (99999999 is equvalent to Inifinity)
upper: 99999999,
//the maximum dept a user can have
lower: -50
transaction: {
//the biggest transaction a user can do
upper: 150,
//the biggest money withdrawal a user can do
lower: -20
logging: {
//specifies if the api should log api access to the console
active: true
Every API answer has the Content-Type application/json
Data that is posted to the API is always JSON as well.
At some endpoints the following queryparameters can be used to control the pagination of lists:
: the number of items to showoffset
: the number of the first item in the list
Each of the paginated lists are of the following data structure:
overallCount: <int>,
limit: <int>,
offset: <int>,
entries: [<entry]
Returns the complete list of all users. Each user is described via the following data structure:
"id": <int>,
"name": <string>,
"mailAddress": <string>,
"balance": <float>,
"lastTransaction": <dateTime>,
"countOfTransactions": <int>,
"weightedCountOfPurchases": <int>,
"activeDays": <int>
The parameters and the list structure of the Pagination
section are used in this endpoint.
Creates a new user. To create a new user a name and an optional mailAddress has to be assigned via the following data structure.
"name": <string>,
"mailAddress": <string>
Returns the status code 201 and the created user if the creation was successfull.
- 409: If a user already exists
Lists the latest transactions. Each transaction has the following data structure:
id: <int>,
userId: <int>,
createDate: <DateTime>,
value: <float>,
comment: <string>
Use the parameters and the list structure of the Pagination
section to specify the list's structure.
Returns one specific user. The returned data structure correlates with the /user endpoint, additionally a list of the five last transactions is sent. (See the /user/transaction section for a reference to the transaction data structure)
- 404: If the user could not be found
Returns a list of transactions belonging to the user with the id :userId. The structure of the transactions object corresponds to the definiton of the '/transaction' route
The parameters and the list structure of the Pagination
section are used in this endpoint.
- 404: If the user could not be found
Creates a new transaction for the user with the id :userId
The following data structure describes the transaction:
value: <float>,
comment: <string>,
toUserId: <int>
Returns the status code 201 if a transaction was successfully created.
- 400: If a transaction value is not a number or is zero.
- 403: If a transaction value is above or below a certain border (configurable) or the resulting user balance would exceed a certain border (configurable).
- 404: If the user has not been found
Returns a certain transaction.
The data structure corresponds to that of the /user/:userId/transaction
- 404: If the user or the transaction could not be found
Returns the configured settings:
boundaries: {
upper: <int>
lower: <int>
For more details on the configuration see the configuration
Returns metrics concerning the registered users and their transactions. Data structure:
overallBalance: <float>,
countTransactions: <int>,
contUsers: <int>,
avgBalance: <float>,
days: [
date: <Date>,
overallNumber: <int>,
distinctUsers: <int>,
dayBalance: <float>,
dayBalancePositive: <float>,
dayBalanceNegative: <float>