UI/UX Enhancements:
Implement Snapshot view link #1703
Implement My Projects Page Filter Settings Retention #1683
Create a Submit Snapshot Form and Main Menu Item to select it. #1655
Implement Filtering and Sorting for Admin Notes and DRO columns on My Projects Page #1651
Revisit the Requirements and Implementation of Toasts #1597
Error Corrections:
Bug: alignment issues with Reset Buttons on project wizard pages #2099
Bug: Edit Note button has an icon #2068
Bug: Reset Project button does not function on Page 1 #2067
Bug: Clear Page button does not function on Page 1 #2066
Bug: Clear Page button does not function on Page 3 #2065
Bug: "Submit" button is not below the "Snapshots Meeting Target Points" table #2064
Bug: Parking Provided / Baseline field displays non-whole numbers #2052
Bug: Page 5 text has a size of 14 pixels #2051
Bug: Create Project Page 4's error text uses incorrect color #2050
Bug: Create Project Page 3's error text uses incorrect color #2049
Bug: Create Project Page 1's error text uses incorrect color #2048
Bug: Login page's error text uses incorrect color #2044
Bug: Print Summary Page and PDF Printout are not showing the footer #2028
Bug: Submit Snapshot table titles have colons #2020
Bug: The Created By Filter does not list partial matches list #2015
Bug: FAQ page's "Unsaved changes" modal has incorrect red colors #2012
Bug: My Projects Page: When filters change, go to Page 1 #2000
Bug: The Filter Icons on the My Projects Page should show which column is the primary sort order #1989
Bug: When selecting multiple items in projects page, icons are grayed out and wrong error message is shown #1974
Bug: When browser window is not extra wide, cannot see the left-most columns on My Projects Page #1927
Bug: In production environment, the SSL certificate is expired. #1844
Bug: Tooltips for Sidebar question icon are broken #1590
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