System Updates:
Update NPM packages to resolve security vulnerabilities #545
Fix warning with tedious library #471
Rename Github master branch to "main" #448
UI/UX Enhancements:
Review and Fix Applicable Land Uses for Strategies. #514
Review and Fix Land Use Calculations and Parking Subtotal Calculations #512
Re-organize Project Specification Categories #494
Modify /db//flyway.confi.js to allow for spaces in the database name #483
Implement a Public Comment Form #481
Add new strategies #479
Delete Obsolete Strategies #478
Change points for Bicycle Facilities Bonus #477
Update Strategies that just need a change to the description or point value #476
Update TDM strategies, point values, and tool tips #437
Fix sort arrow responsiveness on project table #432
Add a Duplicate function to projects screen #298
re-factor rule input types #259
UI/UX: Allow for saving throughout the Wizard #173
Error Corrections:
Fix bug related to setting account in app and currentUser in local storage #660
Bug: Handle session expiration better. #653
Bug: (New) Custom client-side validation rules aren't working #647
Issues while deleting files under "My Project" #609
Fix Bug: Neighborhood Shuttle Strategy does not generate points #593
Fix alignment of right button on specifications page, when disabled #548
Fix bug where Projects Page continuously makes the same Web API request. #542
Bug: The toast to notify users after login information has timed out is displayed twice #506
Fix encrypt setting in mssql.js #472
Bug: clicking "Create project" when in the wizard directs to /calculation instead of /calculation/1/ #463
Redirect to Login Screen if user tries to access projects page they are not logged in #350
You can’t perform that action at this time.