This is the repository to hold my personal .vimrc
that I use with macVim.
However, this should work with any other types of vim editors across the
platforms. Feel free to use it and modify as you like.
In order to take advantage of all the features in this .vimrc
, you will
need the following:
- Vundle: Vundle is my preferred choice of Vim plugin manager. To install
plugins, you will need to type
the first time you open your Vim editor. Here is the documentation. - Powerline Fonts: To make the Vim-Airline plugin look really slick, you will need to install Powerline fonts. Please see Powerline documentation
The following is the list of plugins that I use:
- OneDark
- Vim Polyglot
- CtrlP
- Vim GitGutter
- NERDTree
- Vim Fugitive
- Vim Surround
- Auto Pairs
- Closetag
- Vim Airline
- Vim Airline Themes
OneDark theme with Airline Luna theme. Font Meslo LG S Regular for Powerline size 13
set guifont=Meslo\ LG\ S\ Regular\ for\ Powerline:h13