This package is for running mobile robot under tunnel environment.
The code is tested with Leo Rover mobile platform and Rover Robotics Rover Pro
- 45-degree tilted 2D Lidar: for aisle-follow driving
- 3D LiDAR on mobile robot: for detecting obstacles, mapping, localization
- Subscribe
- /rp/scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
- Publish:
- /cluster_line (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2): detected aisle
- /aisle_points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2): robot's direction on line, line center, line start, line end
- Parameters
- line_thresh (defalt 0.5): Ransac threshold of line model
- aisle_width (defatl 0.6): Horizontal width to be cropped from lidar scan
- Subscribe
- Subscribe
- /velodyne_points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
- Publish:
- /cropped_obs (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2): detected obstacles within the aisle zone
- /obs_dists (std_msgs/Float32MultiArray): Right and Left obstacles's distances
- Parameters
- obs_x_min / obs_x_max (default 0.0 / 1.0): x range of obstacle detect region (m)
- obs_y_min / obs_y_max (default -0.3 / 0.3): y range of obstacle detect region (m)
- obs_z_min / obs_z_max (default -0.1 / 0.5): z range of obstacle detect region (m)
- Subscribe
- Subscribe
- /amcl_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped): amcl_pose topic can be published by running amcl package simultaneously.
- /move_base_simple/goal (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped): The target position can be set with 2D Nav Goal of Rviz.
- Publish:
- /localization_data (std_msgs/Float32MultiArray): [0]-global dist error, [1]-global angle error, [2]-arrival flag, [3]-rotating flag
- Parameters
- global_dist_boundary (default 0.3): Global distance boundary error to arrival (m)
- global_ang_boundary (default 0.05): Global angular boundary error to arrival (rad)
- Subscribe
- Subscribe (data from other nodes)
- /joystick (sensor_msgs::Joy): amcl_pose topic can be published by running amcl package simultaneously.
- /obs_dists (std_msgs/Float32MultiArray)
- /aisle_points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
- /localization_data (std_msgs/Float32MultiArray)
- /lidar_driving (std_msgs/Bool) : Should be puslished manually to execute the /cmd_vel publishing function.
- Publish:
- /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist): Final cmd_vel combining information from multiple nodes
- Parameters
- Kpy_param (default 1.1): Rotation control gain for aisle driving
- Kpy_param_rot (default 0.01): Rotation control gain for static rotation
- linear_vel (default 0.0): Linear velocity of mobile robot (m/s)
- robot_width (default 0.45): Robot width (m)
- obs_coefficient (default 0.5): Obstacle avoidance control ratio
- front_obs(default 0.6): Distance of front obstacles to be avoided
- boundary_percent (default 0.02): Percentage of free width on both sides of the aisle for safe driving
- spare_length (default 1.5): Additional driving after avoiding obstacles
- amcl_driving (default false): Whether to check the location of mobile robot
- check_obstacles (default false): Whether to check for obstacles
- Subscribe (data from other nodes)
- slam-gmapping
- amcl
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-slam-gmapping
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-amcl
- only_driving.launch : driving using scan data with no mapping and localization
- mapping.launch : Generates map with autonomous driving (gmapping ros package is included)
- amcl_driving.launch : Round trip driving with localization (amcl ros package is included)
- simulation.launch : run with bag file
roslaunch leo_driving only_driving.launch
roslaunch leo_driving mapping.launch
roslaunch leo_driving amcl_driving.launch
roslaunch leo_driving simulation.launch