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Data Type Cheat Sheet

Hanjun Kim edited this page Feb 24, 2019 · 1 revision

You can find the full list of Windows data types in this page. So how to do we know corresponding Go type for C type X? There are typedef Y X; lines under each type definitions. What you need to do is just following the type definition until you find the basic data types like int, short, etc.

For example, if you wish to know what HMENU is, first find HMENU in the page. Here it is:


A handle to a menu.

This type is declared in WinDef.h as follows:


So HMENU is same as HANDLE. But what is HANDLE? Again find in the page, this time for HANDLE:




Oh okay, find PVOID again:



typedef void *PVOID;

Finally we got void*. So we can pass uintptr data as argument for API that accepts HMENU. Easy, but can be boring. So here I listed common C data types along with its corresponding Go type.

Basic Types

C Go
int int32
unsigned int uint32
short int16
unsigned short uint16
long int32
unsigned long uint32
unsigned long long uint64

Windows Specific Types

C Go
INT int32
UINT uint32
BOOL int32
BYTE byte
CHAR int8
DWORD uint32
HANDLE uintptr
H*(HBRUHSH, ...) uintptr