Scripts for Mythtv
Supports transcoding of a recording using HandBrakeCLI or cutting and merging a recording using mkvmerge. The resulting file is moved to a MythTv video storage group. This script can be set as a user job and can then be triggered from MythFrontend on a specific recording.
usage: [-h] [-f REC_FILE] [-d REC_DIR] [-p REC_PATH] [-j JOB_ID] [-c CFG_FILE] [-m MODE] [--preset PRESET]
[--presetfile PRESET_FILE] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-l LOG_FILE] [--loglevel LOG_LEVEL]
Convert recording and move it to video storage
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f REC_FILE, --file REC_FILE
recording file name
-d REC_DIR, --dir REC_DIR
recording directory name
-p REC_PATH, --path REC_PATH
recording path name
-j JOB_ID, --jobid JOB_ID
mythtv job id
-c CFG_FILE, --cfgfile CFG_FILE
optional config file location (default: ~/rectovid.conf)
-m MODE, --mode MODE Mode of processing (supported: copy, transcode) "copy" uses mkvmerge for stream copying, "transcode" uses
Handbrake for transcoding
--preset PRESET Handbrake transcoding preset, call "HandBrakeCLI -z" to list supported presets
--presetfile PRESET_FILE
Handbrake transcoding preset file to read from
--timeout TIMEOUT timeout in seconds to abort processing
-l LOG_FILE, --logfile LOG_FILE
optional log file location, enables logging to file
--loglevel LOG_LEVEL optional log level (supported: debug, info, warning, error, critical; default: info)
Parses dumpfile of cppcheck
Parses theme xml files and mythtv source file to determine theme progress/completeness
Set acpi wakeup time for scheduled recording
Checks if shutdown of mythbackend is safe
Sets IR protocol to lirc