PHP abstract singleton patter.
composer require hametuha/singleton-pattern
Inherit from abstract class Hametuha\SingletonPattern\Singleton
use Hametuha\SingletonPattern\Singleton;
class SampleSingleton extends Singleton {
private $version = '';
* This method is called inside constructor.
protected function init() {
$this->version = get_wp_version();
* Greeting.
public function greet() {
echo 'Hello World!';
Then, call it outside.
// -> Hello World!
If you have PSR-0(or maybe PSR-4) based structure, you can bulk register them. For examle...
You can call BulkRegister::enable
to load them all!
Hametuha\SingletonPatter\BulkRegister::enable( 'Vendor\Library\NameSpace', __DIR__ . '/src/Vendor/Library/NameSpace' );
// => 3(enabled class count)
Syntax is like below:
BulkRegister::enable( $namespace, $directory_to_scan, $subclass, $method )
Name space prefix. In the case above,Vendor/Library\NameSpace
This directory will be scanned. Not recursively$subclasss
Class should be subclass of this class name. Defautl isHametuha\SingletonPattern\Singleton
Static method to call. Default isget_instance()
GPL 3.0 or later.