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泉盛 K5/K6 小工具集 | Quansheng K5/K6 Tools

使用 Python 3 编写的泉盛 K5/K6 无线电设备 小工具集。
A set of tools for Quansheng K5/K6 radio devices, written in Python 3.


Using this tool may cause damage to your device, please use it carefully. At your own risk.


功能 | Features

  • 自动检测设备EEPROM大小
  • 自动判断固件类型
  • 全自动写入字库、字库配置、亚音参数表、拼音表
  • 清空设备EEPROM
  • 备份和恢复设备校准、配置信息
  • 备份和恢复设备完整EEPROM
  • 支持 64Kbit(8KiB)、1Mbit(128KiB)、2Mbit(256KiB)、3Mbit(384KiB)、4Mbit(512KiB) EEPROM大小
  • 支持各种版本固件 从0.11-0.12.4
  • 支持手动写入旧版本字库、压缩字库、全量字库、旧拼音表、新拼音表、亚音参数表、字库配置

免责声明 | Disclaimer

项目组对使用本软件所产生的任何违法行为概不负责, 包括但不限于未经授权擅自修改、使用本固件进行非法活动等行为。
如因使用本软件造成的损失, 项目组概不负责, 包括但不限于设备损坏、数据丢失等, 使用者需自行承担风险。
This software is intended solely for technical exchange and personal learning purposes. Any individual or organization using this software must comply with local laws and regulations as well as wireless communication regulations.
The project team is not responsible for any illegal activities that arise from using this software, including but not limited to unauthorized modification, using the firmware for illegal activities, etc.
The project team is not liable for any losses caused by the use of this software, including but not limited to device damage, data loss, etc. Users must assume all risks themselves.
By downloading and using this software, users are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to all the contents of this disclaimer. If there is any disagreement, please stop using this software immediately.