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@github-actions github-actions released this 03 Mar 07:04
· 136 commits to main since this release

✅ Upgrading

You can use the latest by explicitly providing the latest version constraint.

npx unlighthouse@^0.11.0 --site <site>

⚠️ Node v18 or higher is now required

👀 Highlights

⛵ Lighthouse v11

Before this release, the Lighthouse version was stuck on v9 which was last updated over a year ago. Now Unlighthouse scans with the latest Lighthouse version (v11.6).

Expect to see new and more accurate audits as well as an improved HTML report UI. See the Lighthouse changelog for more details.

📈 CrUX Tab

Unlighthouse nows connects with the CrUX API to give you an overview of how your origin is performing. This is especially useful for catch catching regressions and to see how your INP performance.


🎨 Improved UI

Several improvements to the UI to make using Unlighthouse easier including tightened-up tabs, pagination to improve the stability of scanning large sites, and fixed category score sorting.

🤖 LHCI Reporter

You can now generate and send your reports to your Lighthouse CI server using the lighthouseServer reporter.

unlighthouse-ci --site <your-site> --reporter lighthouseServer --lhci-host <lhci host> --lhci-build-token <lhci buildToken>

Many thanks to @lutejka for helping with this and upgrading Lighthouse.

👉 Changelog

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Bug Fixes

  • --sitemaps option will override robots.txt sitemaps (8f01db0), closes #169
  • allow pwa category (db78086), closes #168
  • create provider if missing and has route definitions (a9d0f24), closes #188
  • fullPageScreenshot audit location (f03d543)
  • ignore onlyCategories when onlyAudits is supplied (3ec2531), closes #175
  • less flakey scans when using multiple samples (851f39a), closes #60
  • patch puppeteer-cluster for puppeteer v22 compatibility (fa274d8)
  • retry failed performance scans (745f8fe)
  • set an Unlighthouse user agent by default (5359703)
  • support absolute output paths (ed32bed), closes #187
  • throw error if no routes could be scanned (574bf87)
  • when using --urls, allow skipping root path (dc2563f), closes #163
  • client: lcp element not showing (f8da8e6)
  • client: make report link more obvious (31a3013)
  • client: show tooltip links properly (44b06a2)
  • core: display loaded config file log when using one (0ad9e91)