View the Making Of Video.
Add the script.js
and style.css
files to your site. Create a div to act as the wrapper for your slides. All first level child elements will automatically be created as slides.
<div id = "hdslide">
<div class = "slide">Some cool slider content</div>
<div class = "slide">Some cool slider content</div>
<div class = "slide">Some cool slider content</div>
Now to intialize, run HDS("#hdslide")
HDS also accepts an options object.
delay = 0; // delay in ms to begin the timer
speed = 5000; // time in ms 'till next slide
transition = 600; // time in ms for animation speed
pagination = true; // enable pagination dots
navigation = true; // enable next/prev navigation
Example: HDS("#hdslide", {speed: 7000, pagination: false})