Github for all things BAJA SAE
Repository Breakdown
What does Each Directory Do?
Code Base:
- This portion of the repository is the code for the data acquisition system (rpm, accelerometer, and strain gauge)
- This is the part of the repo with all necessary parts for the hardware side including resistor parts, schematics for things we want to design, etc.
- NOTE: schematics for the data acquisition system will also go here
Mech Bridge:
- This directory is used to store CAD for mounts, holders, etc. for our electrical components that will need to be mounted onto the car
what you will need for the code to work
Install and add esp32 json to Arduino IDE, allows you to upload to an esp32
Arduino -> File -> Preferences -> Additional boards manager URLs: ->
Install MCP2515 Library, add functions for CAN module
Download the ZIP file from
From the Arduino IDE: Sketch -> Include Library... -> Add .ZIP Library...
Install LiquidCrystal I2C library, add functions for LCD screen
Install SDfat.h library, add functions for SD card module
Install Adafruit ADXL345 library, add functions for Accelaration Module, ADXL345