Expositions for modeling SE(2) locomotion of legged systems through the Geometric Mechanics framework: The code provided here is MATLAB Livescripts that employ symbolic solvers on different aspects of our legged systems analysis through the Geometric Mechanics framework. In short, this field maps periodic body deformations exhibited by various (sufficiently draggy or slow-moving) systems such as animals and robots to how they move in their environment. If you're unfamiliar with this framework, these papers offer excellent tutorials and highlight usable situations! https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjst/e2015-50085-y https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8758237
Also, the code provided will be in the form of unfettered thoughts on how I approach the problem and will have mistakes in some spots. I will catch them and update them in the subsequent sections, and hence it takes the form of a research notebook.