A set of low-level bindings (and helpers) wrapping the C implementation of BLAKE3, version 1.6.0.
No user of this library should ever have to think about C, linking to system libraries, enabling SIMD through weird flags, or any similar issues. Just add this as a dependency and go.
No weird lawless type class hierarchy. No dependencies outside of base
. These
are truly minimal bindings, for those who want the ability to operate as close
to the original code as posssible.
Just by reading the documentation of this library, you should know everything you need to use it. No reading the C 'documentation' should ever be required. Furthermore, you shouldn't need to doubt that this behaves - our CI should prove it to you. No surprises on upgrades either - impeccable PVP compliance only here.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Sample where
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (mallocBytes, free)
import Foreign.C.Types (CSize, CUChar)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Cryptography.BLAKE3.Bindings (
hashMeSomeData :: IO (Ptr Word8)
hashMeSomeData = do
-- allocate an initialize a hasher
hasherPtr <- mallocBytes . fromIntegral $ blake3HasherSize
blake3HasherInit hasherPtr
-- get some data to hash (we assume this is done in some user-specific way)
(dataLen :: CSize, dataPtr :: Ptr CUChar) <- mkSomeDataWithLength
-- feed the data into the hasher
blake3HasherUpdate hasherPtr dataPtr dataLen
-- make a place to fit the hash into
outPtr <- mallocBytes . fromIntegral $ blake3OutLen
-- output the hash
blake3HasherFinalize hasherPtr outPtr blake3OutLen
-- deallocate the hasher, since we don't need it anymore
free hasherPtr
-- use the hash output however we please
Our CI currently checks Windows, Linux (on Ubuntu) and macOS. Additionally, we also verify that the embedded BLAKE3 compiles correctly on SIMD and non-SIMD platforms: we currently test x86-64 (Github Actions default), aarch64 and armv7.
The bindings themselves are licensed under BSD-3-Clause
, while the C code for
BLAKE3 is under Apache-2.0
. See the LICENSE
files for
more information.