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Codec.Archive.Tar.Read: refactor getEntry
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Bodigrim committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 928c63c commit b66f5cc
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Showing 3 changed files with 140 additions and 88 deletions.
211 changes: 123 additions & 88 deletions Codec/Archive/Tar/Read.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module : Codec.Archive.Tar.Read
Expand All @@ -12,18 +12,22 @@
-- Portability : portable
module Codec.Archive.Tar.Read (read, FormatError(..)) where
module Codec.Archive.Tar.Read
( read
, FormatError(..)
) where

import Codec.Archive.Tar.Types

import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Bits (Bits(shiftL))
import Data.Bits (Bits(shiftL, (.&.), complement))
import Control.Exception (Exception(..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS.Char8
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,97 +68,128 @@ instance NFData FormatError where
-- * The conversion is done lazily.
read :: LBS.ByteString -> Entries FormatError
read = unfoldEntries getEntry

getEntry :: LBS.ByteString -> Either FormatError (Maybe (Entry, LBS.ByteString))
getEntry bs
| BS.length header < 512 = Left TruncatedArchive

-- Tar files end with at least two blocks of all '0'. Checking this serves
-- two purposes. It checks the format but also forces the tail of the data
-- which is necessary to close the file if it came from a lazily read file.
-- It's tempting to fall into trailer parsing as soon as LBS.head bs == '\0',
-- because, if interpreted as an 'Entry', it means that 'entryTarPath' is an empty
-- string. Yet it's not a concern of this function: parse it as an 'Entry'
-- and let further pipeline such as 'checkEntrySecurity' deal with it. After all,
-- it might be a format extension with unknown semantics. Such somewhat malformed
-- archives do exist in the wild, see
-- Only if an entire block is null, we assume that we are parsing a trailer.
| LBS.all (== 0) (LBS.take 512 bs) = case LBS.splitAt 1024 bs of
(end, trailing)
| LBS.length end /= 1024 -> Left ShortTrailer
| not (LBS.all (== 0) end) -> Left BadTrailer
| not (LBS.all (== 0) trailing) -> Left TrailingJunk
| otherwise -> Right Nothing

| otherwise = do

case (chksum_, format_) of
read = evalState (readStreaming getN get)
getN :: Int64 -> State LBS.ByteString LBS.ByteString
getN n = do
(pref, st) <- LBS.splitAt n <$> get
put st
pure pref

:: Monad m
=> (Int64 -> m LBS.ByteString)
-> m LBS.ByteString
-> m (Entries FormatError)
readStreaming = (unfoldEntriesM id .) . getEntryStreaming

:: Monad m
=> (Int64 -> m LBS.ByteString)
-> m LBS.ByteString
-> m (Either FormatError (Maybe Entry))
getEntryStreaming getN getAll = do
header <- getN 512
if LBS.length header < 512 then pure (Left TruncatedArchive) else do

-- Tar files end with at least two blocks of all '0'. Checking this serves
-- two purposes. It checks the format but also forces the tail of the data
-- which is necessary to close the file if it came from a lazily read file.
-- It's tempting to fall into trailer parsing as soon as LBS.head bs == '\0',
-- because, if interpreted as an 'Entry', it means that 'entryTarPath' is an empty
-- string. Yet it's not a concern of this function: parse it as an 'Entry'
-- and let further pipeline such as 'checkEntrySecurity' deal with it. After all,
-- it might be a format extension with unknown semantics. Such somewhat malformed
-- archives do exist in the wild, see
-- Only if an entire block is null, we assume that we are parsing a trailer.
if LBS.all (== 0) header then do
nextBlock <- getN 512
if LBS.length nextBlock < 512 then pure (Left ShortTrailer)
else if LBS.all (== 0) nextBlock then do
remainder <- getAll
pure $ if LBS.all (== 0) remainder then Right Nothing else Left TrailingJunk
else pure (Left BadTrailer)

else case parseHeader header of
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right (name, mode, uid, gid, size, mtime, typecode, linkname, format, uname, gname, devmajor, devminor, prefix) -> do

-- It is crucial to get (size + padding) in one monadic operation
-- and drop padding in a pure. If you get size bytes first,
-- then skip padding, unpacking in constant memory will become impossible.
let paddedSize = (size + 511) .&. complement 511
paddedContent <- getN paddedSize
let content = LBS.take size paddedContent

pure $ Right $ Just $ Entry {
entryTarPath = TarPath name prefix,
entryContent = case typecode of
'\0' -> NormalFile content size
'0' -> NormalFile content size
'1' -> HardLink (LinkTarget linkname)
'2' -> SymbolicLink (LinkTarget linkname)
_ | format == V7Format
-> OtherEntryType typecode content size
'3' -> CharacterDevice devmajor devminor
'4' -> BlockDevice devmajor devminor
'5' -> Directory
'6' -> NamedPipe
'7' -> NormalFile content size
_ -> OtherEntryType typecode content size,
entryPermissions = mode,
entryOwnership = Ownership (BS.Char8.unpack uname)
(BS.Char8.unpack gname) uid gid,
entryTime = mtime,
entryFormat = format

:: LBS.ByteString
-> Either FormatError (BS.ByteString, Permissions, Int, Int, Int64, EpochTime, Char, BS.ByteString, Format, BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString, DevMajor, DevMinor, BS.ByteString)
parseHeader header' = do
case (chksum_, format_ magic) of
(Right chksum, _ ) | correctChecksum header chksum -> return ()
(Right _, Right _) -> Left ChecksumIncorrect
_ -> Left NotTarFormat

-- These fields are partial, have to check them
format <- format_; mode <- mode_;
uid <- uid_; gid <- gid_;
size <- size_; mtime <- mtime_;
devmajor <- devmajor_; devminor <- devminor_;

let content = LBS.take size (LBS.drop 512 bs)
padding = (512 - size) `mod` 512
bs' = LBS.drop (512 + size + padding) bs

entry = Entry {
entryTarPath = TarPath name prefix,
entryContent = case typecode of
'\0' -> NormalFile content size
'0' -> NormalFile content size
'1' -> HardLink (LinkTarget linkname)
'2' -> SymbolicLink (LinkTarget linkname)
_ | format == V7Format
-> OtherEntryType typecode content size
'3' -> CharacterDevice devmajor devminor
'4' -> BlockDevice devmajor devminor
'5' -> Directory
'6' -> NamedPipe
'7' -> NormalFile content size
_ -> OtherEntryType typecode content size,
entryPermissions = mode,
entryOwnership = Ownership (BS.Char8.unpack uname)
(BS.Char8.unpack gname) uid gid,
entryTime = mtime,
entryFormat = format

return (Just (entry, bs'))
mode <- mode_
uid <- uid_
gid <- gid_
size <- size_
mtime <- mtime_
format <- format_ magic
devmajor <- devmajor_
devminor <- devminor_

pure (name, mode, uid, gid, size, mtime, typecode, linkname, format, uname, gname, devmajor, devminor, prefix)
header = LBS.toStrict (LBS.take 512 bs)

name = getString 0 100 header
mode_ = getOct 100 8 header
uid_ = getOct 108 8 header
gid_ = getOct 116 8 header
size_ = getOct 124 12 header
mtime_ = getOct 136 12 header
chksum_ = getOct 148 8 header
typecode = getByte 156 header
linkname = getString 157 100 header
magic = getChars 257 8 header
uname = getString 265 32 header
gname = getString 297 32 header
devmajor_ = getOct 329 8 header
devminor_ = getOct 337 8 header
prefix = getString 345 155 header
-- trailing = getBytes 500 12 header

| magic == ustarMagic = return UstarFormat
| magic == gnuMagic = return GnuFormat
| magic == v7Magic = return V7Format
| otherwise = Left UnrecognisedTarFormat
header = LBS.toStrict header'

name = getString 0 100 header
mode_ = getOct 100 8 header
uid_ = getOct 108 8 header
gid_ = getOct 116 8 header
size_ = getOct 124 12 header
mtime_ = getOct 136 12 header
chksum_ = getOct 148 8 header
typecode = getByte 156 header
linkname = getString 157 100 header
magic = getChars 257 8 header
uname = getString 265 32 header
gname = getString 297 32 header
devmajor_ = getOct 329 8 header
devminor_ = getOct 337 8 header
prefix = getString 345 155 header
-- trailing = getBytes 500 12 header

format_ :: BS.ByteString -> Either FormatError Format
format_ magic
| magic == ustarMagic = return UstarFormat
| magic == gnuMagic = return GnuFormat
| magic == v7Magic = return V7Format
| otherwise = Left UnrecognisedTarFormat

v7Magic, ustarMagic, gnuMagic :: BS.ByteString
v7Magic = BS.Char8.pack "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Codec/Archive/Tar/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ module Codec.Archive.Tar.Types (
) where

import Data.Int (Int64)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -604,6 +605,21 @@ unfoldEntries f = unfold
Right Nothing -> Done
Right (Just (e, x')) -> Next e (unfold x')

:: Monad m
=> (forall a. m a -> m a)
-- ^ id or unsafeInterleaveIO
-> m (Either e (Maybe (GenEntry tarPath linkTarget)))
-> m (GenEntries tarPath linkTarget e)
unfoldEntriesM interleave f = unfold
unfold = do
f' <- f
case f' of
Left err -> pure $ Fail err
Right Nothing -> pure Done
Right (Just e) -> Next e <$> interleave unfold

-- | This is like the standard 'foldr' function on lists, but for 'Entries'.
-- Compared to 'foldr' it takes an extra function to account for the
-- possibility of failure.
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tar.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ library tar-internal
directory >= 1.3.1 && < 1.4,
filepath < 1.6,
time < 1.13,
transformers < 0.7,

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