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eob edited this page Dec 17, 2012 · 1 revision

Datapress provides two different Exhibit-style data feeds for you to use: one for People and one for Nodes.

People Data Feeds

The people data feeds are parameterized by the user role and accessed by the following URL, relative to your Drupal root URL:


When a role has a space in it, use a double underscore. For example, if I wanted to get a data feed for all people with the role principle investigator, use the URL


The fields returned for each person by this request are:

Required Exhibit Fields:

  • id, the User ID
  • type, always equal to User
  • label, the user name

Fields for Display:

  • uid, the User ID
  • name, the user name
  • picture-uri, the Drupal URI for the user photo. Note: this is a weird data value, e.g.: public://pictures/picture-2322.png
  • picture-filename, just the filename portion of the picture-uri
  • roles, an array of the user's roles in the Drupal site

Custom Fields:

  • custom-FIELD, for each custom field, a property of this form is added.

Node Data Feeds

The node data feeds are parameterized by the node type and accessed by the following URL, relative to your Drupal root URL:


When a role has a space in it, use a single underscore. Note that this is different than the case for Users. Blame Drupal. For example, if you wanted to get a data feed for all nodes with the type Research Topic, you would use the URL


There's an exception, though. If you have configured a machine name for your type, then use that instead. You can find out the machine name for yout types by going to Structure > Content Types in the Drupal administrative interface.

The fields returned for each node by this request are:

Required Exhibit Fields:

  • id, the node ID
  • type, e.g. Research Project
  • label, the name of the node, e.g. Cold Fusion

Fields for Display:

  • creator_picture, A photo of the item creator, if there is one
  • created, Unix timestamp of item creation date
  • body, The body (page content) of the node
  • summary, The summary content of the node

Custom Fields:

  • custom-FIELD, for each custom field, a property of this form is added.
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