Site created with this tool: [Cicloturismo] (
- bootstrap4
- easyui
- MySQL database
- clojure - look at project.clj for libraries used
- User validation
- Email generation
- PDF report generation
- Upload images
- CRUD Grid generation with filter, search, sort etc...
- DASHBOARD generation with filter, search, sort, pdf, export to csv...
- Migrations with ragtime
- Automated menus generated and stored in the database, with an administration crud grid to administer.
- Automated routes generated and stored in the database, with an administration crud grid to administer.
- lein migrate is a lein alias to create a ragtime migration
- lein rollback is a lein alias to rollback a migration
- lein database is a lein alias to create temporary users
- lein grid 'tablename' is a lein alias to create crud grid and all menus and routes.
- lein dashboard 'tablename' is a lein alias to create dashboard grid and all menus and routes.
- Supports both open and private routes. i.e. open no login and private you must have valid user to login.
- All menus, routes, and private routes are stored in the database. Crud grids available to administer menus and routes.
- leiningen 2.0.0 or above installed
- jdk8 or above
- mySQL or MariaDB
- wkhtmltopdf Needed for pdfkit-clj library
- Create a database "xxxxx" in mySQL or MariaDB. Note: "xxxxx" refers to what you will call your database, so replace with your database name created.
- Clone the repository
- Copy resources/private/config_example to config.clj and change all of the "xxxxx" to what applies to you setup Example of resources/private/config_example.clj
;; Replace all "xxxxx" with your configuration
{:db-protocol "mysql"
:db-name "//localhost:3306/xxxxx?characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=America/Los_Angeles" ; Change me
:database-url "mysql://localhost:3306/xxxxx?user=root&password=xxxxx&serverTimezone=America/Los_Angeles" ; Change me
:db-user "xxxxx" ; Change me
:db-pwd "xxxxx" ; Change me
:db-class "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
:email-host "xxxxx" ; Optional
:email-user "xxxxx" ; Optional
:email-pwd "xxxxx" ; Optional
:port 3000
:tz "US/Pacific" ;Change if in different time zone
:site-name "xxxxx" ; Change me
:company-name "xxxxx" ; Change me
:uploads "./uploads/xxxxx/" ; Change me
:base-url ""
:img-url ""
:path "/uploads/"}
- lein migrate
- lein database
- lein run
- users
- menus
- pincludes
- proutes
- routes
- rincludes
- user: [email protected] pass: sistema
- user: [email protected] pass: admin
- user: [email protected] pass: user
I am asumming you have your development editor configured to work with Clojure. Vim/Fireplace or Spacemac, vscode/Calba etc...
- Create an empty MySQL database with any client. Call this database 'demo'
- From a terminal Clone the repository git clone
- mv Clojure-Full-Stack-Framework-SK demo Rename the clone folder demo
- cd demo
- mkdir -p uploads/demo This will create the directory to upload images.
- cp resources/private/config_example.clj resources/private/config.clj
config.clj will look like this:
;; Replace all "xxxxx" with your configuration {:db-protocol "mysql" :db-name "//localhost:3306/xxxxx?characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=America/Los_Angeles" ; Change me :database-url "mysql://localhost:3306/xxxxx?user=root&password=xxxxx&serverTimezone=America/Los_Angeles" ; Change me :db-user "root" :db-pwd "xxxxx" ; Change me :db-class "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" :email-host "xxxxx" ; Optional :email-user "xxxxx" ; Optional :email-pwd "xxxxx" ; Optional :port 3000 :tz "US/Pacific" :site-name "xxxxx" ; Change me :company-name "xxxxx" ; Change me :uploads "./uploads/xxxxx/" ; Change me :base-url "" :img-url "" :path "/uploads/"}
- With your editor/IDE of choice open /resources/private/config.clj and modify file to look like this:
Note: your_database_password is the password that you gave to MySQL. Please setup MySQL with a password, don't use a blank password Optional setup above is to allow you to send emails. If you don't have an email-host, you won't be able to send emails.
;; Replace all "xxxxx" with your configuration {:db-protocol "mysql" :db-name "//localhost:3306/demo?characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=America/Los_Angeles" ; Change me :database-url "mysql://localhost:3306/demo?user=root&password=your_database_password&serverTimezone=America/Los_Angeles" ; Change me :db-user "root" :db-pwd "your_database_password" ; Change me :db-class "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" :email-host "xxxxx" ; Optional :email-user "xxxxx" ; Optional :email-pwd "xxxxx" ; Optional :port 3000 :tz "US/Pacific" :site-name "Contacs" ; Change me :company-name "XYZ Company" ; Change me :uploads "./uploads/demo/" ; Change me :base-url "" :img-url "" :path "/uploads/"}
- Go to the root of your project with your editor of choice and edit project.clj the file looks like this:
(defproject sk "0.1.0"
:description "Sitio" ; Change me
:url "" ; Change me
:license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
[org.clojure/data.csv "1.0.1"]
[compojure "1.7.0"]
[hiccup "1.0.5"]
[lib-noir "0.9.9"]
[com.draines/postal "2.0.5"]
[cheshire "5.12.0"]
[clj-pdf "2.6.8"]
[ondrs/barcode "0.1.0"]
[pdfkit-clj "0.1.7"]
[cljfmt "0.9.2"]
[clj-jwt "0.1.1"]
[clj-time "0.15.2"]
[date-clj "1.0.1"]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.7.12"]
[org.clojure/data.codec "0.1.1"]
[mysql/mysql-connector-java "8.0.33"]
[ragtime "0.8.1"]
[ring/ring-core "1.11.0"]]
:main ^:skip-aot sk.core
:aot [sk.core]
:plugins [[lein-ancient "0.7.0"]
[lein-pprint "1.3.2"]]
:uberjar-name "sk.jar" ; Change me
:target-path "target/%s"
:ring {:handler sk.core
:auto-reload? true
:auto-refresh? false}
:resources-paths ["shared" "resources"]
:aliases {"migrate" ["run" "-m" "sk.migrations/migrate"]
"rollback" ["run" "-m" "sk.migrations/rollback"]
"database" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.cdb/database"]
"grid" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.builder/build-grid"]
"dashboard" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.builder/build-dashboard"]
"private" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.b-proutes/main-private"]
"open" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.b-routes/main-open"]}
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}})
Change this file to look like this:
(defproject sk "0.1.0"
:description "Contacts" ; Change me
:url "" ; Change me
:license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
[org.clojure/data.csv "1.0.1"]
[compojure "1.7.0"]
[hiccup "1.0.5"]
[lib-noir "0.9.9"]
[com.draines/postal "2.0.5"]
[cheshire "5.12.0"]
[clj-pdf "2.6.8"]
[ondrs/barcode "0.1.0"]
[pdfkit-clj "0.1.7"]
[cljfmt "0.9.2"]
[clj-jwt "0.1.1"]
[clj-time "0.15.2"]
[date-clj "1.0.1"]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.7.12"]
[org.clojure/data.codec "0.1.1"]
[mysql/mysql-connector-java "8.0.33"]
[ragtime "0.8.1"]
[ring/ring-core "1.11.0"]]
:main ^:skip-aot sk.core
:aot [sk.core]
:plugins [[lein-ancient "0.7.0"]
[lein-pprint "1.3.2"]]
:uberjar-name "demo.jar" ; Change me
:target-path "target/%s"
:ring {:handler sk.core
:auto-reload? true
:auto-refresh? false}
:resources-paths ["shared" "resources"]
:aliases {"migrate" ["run" "-m" "sk.migrations/migrate"]
"rollback" ["run" "-m" "sk.migrations/rollback"]
"database" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.cdb/database"]
"grid" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.builder/build-grid"]
"dashboard" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.builder/build-dashboard"]
"private" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.b-proutes/main-private"]
"open" ["run" "-m" "sk.models.b-routes/main-open"]}
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}})
Open a terminal at the root of your project and type: lein run If everything is ok go to: http://localhost:3000 You will get a webpage with two options Contacts and Conectar
Open a terminal at the root of your project and type: lein repl if you are using vim/fireplace, otherwise start the rpl with jack-in or whatever your dev setup needs.
Open a terminal at the root of your project and type:
- lein migrate to create the first database migration. You will see on the terminal:
- Applying 001-users users table
- Applying 002-menus menus table
- Applying 003-pincludes pincludes table
- Applying 004-proutes proutes
- Applying 005-routes routes
- Applying 006-rincludes rincludes
- lein migrate to create the first database migration. You will see on the terminal:
Open a terminal at the root of your project and type:
- lein database to create your dummy users to allow you to login to the web app.
- username: [email protected] password user
- username: [email protected] password admin
- username: [email protected] password: sistema
- lein database to create your dummy users to allow you to login to the web app.
Login to http://localhost:3000/home/login On the form: Email: [email protected] Contraseña: sistema Click the button Acceder al sitio - You will now be logged in.
- First link on menu Contacts lands you on the home page. you will see the logged on user Usuario: [email protected]
- Second link is a dropdown menu Administrar
- First menu option Menus This will show you a grid to administer menus.
- Second menu option Open Includes This will show you a grid to administer the open routes namespace includes. No login required routes.
- Third menu option Open Routes This will show you a grid to administer the open routes. No login required routes.
- Fourth menu option Private Includes This will show you a grid to administer the private routes namespace includes. Login required routes.
- Fifth menu option Private Routes This will show you a grid to administer the Private routes. Login required routes.
- Sixth menu option Usuarios This wil show you a grid to administer the users.
Now let's create a new migration in resources/migrations:
- resources/migrations/007-contacts.down.sql
drop table contacts;
- resources/migrations/007-contacts.up.sql
create table contacts ( id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, firstname varchar(255) default null, lastname varchar(255) default null, phone varchar(255) default null, email varchar(255) default null, comments text default null ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8;
- resources/migrations/007-contacts.down.sql
Open a terminal at the root of your project and type:
- lein migrate to create the contacts table. You will see on the terminal:
- Applying 007-contacts contacts table
- lein migrate to create the contacts table. You will see on the terminal:
Open a terminal at the root of you project and type:
- lein grid contacts to create a data grid for the table contacts. You will see on the terminal:
- Code generated at: src/sk/handlers/admin/contacts creates a folder contacts with 3 files inside:
;; This is the handler (ns sk.handlers.admin.contacts.handler (:require [sk.models.crud :refer [build-form-row build-form-save build-form-delete]] [sk.models.grid :refer [build-grid]] [sk.layout :refer [application]] [sk.models.util :refer [get-session-id user-level]] [sk.handlers.admin.contacts.view :refer [contacts-view contacts-scripts]])) (defn contacts [_] (let [title "Contacts" ok (get-session-id) js (contacts-scripts) content (contacts-view title)] (if (or (= (user-level) "A") (= (user-level) "S")) (application title ok js content) (application title ok nil "solo <strong>los administradores </strong> pueden accessar esta opción!!!")))) (defn contacts-grid "builds grid. parameters: params table & args args: {:join 'other-table' :search-extra name='pedro' :sort-extra 'name,lastname'}" [{params :params}] (let [table "contacts" args {:sort-extra "id"}] (build-grid params table args))) (defn contacts-form [id] (let [table "contacts"] (build-form-row table id))) (defn contacts-save [{params :params}] (let [table "contacts"] (build-form-save params table))) (defn contacts-delete [{params :params}] (let [table "contacts"] (build-form-delete params table))) ;; This is the model (ns sk.handlers.admin.contacts.model (:require [sk.models.crud :refer [Query db]])) (defn get-rows [tabla] (Query db [(str "select * from " tabla)])) (comment (get-rows "contacts")) ;; This is the view (ns sk.handlers.admin.contacts.view (:require [ :refer [include-js]] [ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]] [sk.models.util :refer [build-dialog build-dialog-buttons build-field build-table build-toolbar]])) (defn dialog-fields [] (list (build-field {:id "id" :name "id" :type "hidden"}) (build-field {:id "firstname" :name "firstname" :class "easyui-textbox" :prompt "xxx" :data-options "label:'xxx:', labelPosition:'top', required:true, width:'100%'"}) (build-field {:id "lastname" :name "lastname" :class "easyui-textbox" :prompt "xxx" :data-options "label:'xxx:', labelPosition:'top', required:true, width:'100%'"}) (build-field {:id "phone" :name "phone" :class "easyui-textbox" :prompt "xxx" :data-options "label:'xxx:', labelPosition:'top', required:true, width:'100%'"}) (build-field {:id "email" :name "email" :class "easyui-textbox" :prompt "xxx" :data-options "label:'xxx:', labelPosition:'top', required:true, width:'100%'"}) (build-field {:id "comments" :name "comments" :class "easyui-textbox" :prompt "xxx" :data-options "label:'xxx:', labelPosition:'top', required:true, multiline:true, height:120, width:'100%'"}))) (defn contacts-view [title] (list (anti-forgery-field) (build-table title "/admin/contacts" (list [:th {:data-options "field:'id',sortable:true,width:100"} "ID"] [:th {:data-options "field:'firstname',sortable:true,width:100"} "FIRSTNAME"] [:th {:data-options "field:'lastname',sortable:true,width:100"} "LASTNAME"] [:th {:data-options "field:'phone',sortable:true,width:100"} "PHONE"] [:th {:data-options "field:'email',sortable:true,width:100"} "EMAIL"] [:th {:data-options "field:'comments',sortable:true,width:100"} "COMMENTS"])) (build-toolbar) (build-dialog title (dialog-fields)) (build-dialog-buttons))) (defn contacts-scripts [] (include-js "/js/grid.js"))
Edit the files and format the code with your editor/IDE. Now let's fine tune this view to be more user friendly. The view should look like this below:
(ns sk.handlers.admin.contacts.view (:require [ :refer [include-js]] [ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]] [sk.models.util :refer [build-dialog build-dialog-buttons build-field build-table build-toolbar]])) (defn dialog-fields [] (list (build-field {:id "id" :name "id" :type "hidden"}) (build-field {:id "firstname" :name "firstname" :class "easyui-textbox" :prompt "This is the contact firstname..." :data-options "label:'First Name:', labelPosition:'top', required:true, width:'100%'"}) (build-field {:id "lastname" :name "lastname" :class "easyui-textbox" :prompt "This is the contact lastname..." :data-options "label:'Lastname:', labelPosition:'top', required:true, width:'100%'"}) (build-field {:id "phone" :name "phone" :class "easyui-maskedbox" :mask "(999) 999-9999" :data-options "label:'Phone:', labelPosition:'top', required:false, width:'100%'"}) (build-field {:id "email" :name "email" :class "easyui-textbox easyui-validatebox" :prompt "This is the contact email..." :validType "email" :data-options "label:'Email:', labelPosition:'top', required:true, width:'100%'"}) (build-field {:id "comments" :name "comments" :class "easyui-textbox" :prompt "This is the contact comments..." :data-options "label:'Comments:', labelPosition:'top', required:false, multiline:true, height:120, width:'100%'"}))) (defn contacts-view [title] (list (anti-forgery-field) (build-table title "/admin/contacts" (list [:th {:data-options "field:'id',sortable:true,width:100"} "ID"] [:th {:data-options "field:'firstname',sortable:true,width:100"} "FIRSTNAME"] [:th {:data-options "field:'lastname',sortable:true,width:100"} "LASTNAME"] [:th {:data-options "field:'phone',sortable:true,width:100"} "PHONE"] [:th {:data-options "field:'email',sortable:true,width:100"} "EMAIL"] [:th {:data-options "field:'comments',sortable:true,width:100"} "COMMENTS"])) (build-toolbar) (build-dialog title (dialog-fields)) (build-dialog-buttons))) (defn contacts-scripts [] (include-js "/js/grid.js"))
Now go to the terminal where you have the server running and type ctl-c to stop the process. Start process again with lein run
- A new menu option Contacts will now be available in the Administrar menu. Click on the menu option Contacts and enter a few contacs.
Open a terminal in the root of the app and type:
- lein dashboard contacts to create a dashboard for the table contacts. You will see on the terminal:
- Code generated at: src/sk/handlers/contacts creates folder contacts with 3 files inside: Edit the files with your editor/IDE to format code.
;; This is the handler (ns sk.handlers.contacts.handler (:require [ :as csv] [ :as java-io] [ :refer [piped-input-stream]] [hiccup.core :refer [html]] [pdfkit-clj.core :refer [as-stream gen-pdf]] [clj-pdf.core :refer [pdf template]] [sk.layout :refer [application]] [sk.models.util :refer [get-session-id user-level]] [sk.handlers.contacts.model :refer [get-rows]] [sk.handlers.contacts.view :refer [contacts-view contacts-scripts]])) (defn contacts [_] (let [title "Contacts" ok (get-session-id) js (contacts-scripts) content (contacts-view title)] (application title ok js content))) (defn contacts-reporte [_] (let [title "Contacts" ok (get-session-id) js nil content (html (contacts-view title))] (if (or (= (user-level) "U") (= (user-level) "A") (= (user-level) "S")) {:status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "application/pdf" "Content-Disposition" "attachment;filename=contacts.pdf"} :body (as-stream (gen-pdf content))} (application title ok js "Solo miembros pueden accessar esta opción!!!")))) (def contacts-pdf-template (template (list [:cell {:align :left} (str $firstname)] [:cell {:align :left} (str $lastname)] [:cell {:align :left} (str $phone)] [:cell {:align :left} (str $email)] [:cell {:align :left} (str $comments)]))) (defn generate-report-header [] [{:background-color [233 233 233]} [:paragraph {:align :left} "FIRSTNAME"] [:paragraph {:align :left} "LASTNAME"] [:paragraph {:align :left} "PHONE"] [:paragraph {:align :left} "EMAIL"] [:paragraph {:align :left} "COMMENTS"]]) (defn generate-report-body [] (let [rows (get-rows "contacts")] (into [:table {:cell-border true :style :normal :size 10 :border true :header (generate-report-header)}] (contacts-pdf-template rows)))) (defn generate-report-header-options [title] {:title title :header {:x 20 :y 830 :table [:pdf-table {:border false :width-percent 100} [100] [[:pdf-cell {:type :bold :size 16 :align :center} title]]]} :footer "page" :left-margin 10 :right-margin 10 :top-margin 10 :bottom-margin 25 :size :a4 :orientation :portrait :font {:family :helvetica :size 10} :align :center :pages true}) (defn generate-report [title] (piped-input-stream (fn [output-stream] (pdf [(generate-report-header-options title) (generate-report-body)] output-stream)))) (defn contacts-pdf [_] (let [title "Contacts" ok (get-session-id) js nil content "Solo miembros pueden accessar esta opción!!!"] (if (or (= (user-level) "U") (= (user-level) "A") (= (user-level) "S")) {:status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "application/pdf" "Content-Disposition" "attachment;filename=contacts"} :body (generate-report title)} (application title ok js content)))) (def contacts-csv-headers ["FIRSTNAME " "LASTNAME " "PHONE " "EMAIL " "COMMENTS "]) (def contacts-csv-template (template [(str $firstname) (str $lastname) (str $phone) (str $email) (str $comments)])) (defn build-csv [filename] (let [rows (get-rows "contacts")] (with-open [writer (java-io/writer filename)] (csv/write-csv writer (cons (vec contacts-csv-headers) (contacts-csv-template rows)))))) (defn contacts-csv [_] (build-csv "contacts.csv") (let [filename "contacts.csv" my-file (slurp filename)] (java-io/delete-file filename) {:status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "text/csv" "Content-Disposition" "attachment;filename=contacts.csv"} :body my-file})) ;; This is the model (ns sk.handlers.contacts.model (:require [sk.models.crud :refer [Query db]])) (defn get-rows [tabla] (Query db [(str "select * from " tabla)])) (comment (get-rows "contacts")) ;; This is the view (ns sk.handlers.contacts.view (:require [ :refer [include-js]] [sk.handlers.contacts.model :refer [get-rows]])) (defn my-body [row] [:tr [:td (:id row)] [:td (:firstname row)] [:td (:lastname row)] [:td (:phone row)] [:td (:email row)] [:td (:comments row)]]) (defn contacts-view [title] (let [rows (get-rows "contacts")] (list [:table.dg {:data-options "remoteSort:false,fit:true,rownumbers:true,fitColumns:true,toolbar:'#toolbar'" :title title} [:thead [:tr [:th {:data-options "field:'id',sortable:true,width:100"} "ID"] [:th {:data-options "field:'firstname',sortable:true,width:100"} "FIRSTNAME"] [:th {:data-options "field:'lastname',sortable:true,width:100"} "LASTNAME"] [:th {:data-options "field:'phone',sortable:true,width:100"} "PHONE"] [:th {:data-options "field:'email',sortable:true,width:100"} "EMAIL"] [:th {:data-options "field:'comments',sortable:true,width:100"} "COMMENTS"]]] [:tbody (map my-body rows)]] [:div#toolbar [:a {:href "/contacts/reporte" :class "easyui-linkbutton" :data-options "iconCls:'icon-print',plain: true"} "Reporte"] [:a {:href "/contacts/pdf" :class "easyui-linkbutton" :data-options "iconCls:'icon-save',plain: true"} "PDF"] [:a {:href "/contacts/csv" :class "easyui-linkbutton" :data-options "iconCls:'icon-large-smartart',plain: true"} "CSV"]]))) (defn contacts-scripts [] (include-js "js/grid.js"))
- lein dashboard contacts to create a dashboard for the table contacts. You will see on the terminal:
Now go to to the terminal where you have the server running and type ctl-c to stop the process. Start process again with lein run
- A new menu option will now be available Contacts
- Clicking on the Contacts menu option will bring up a dashboard
- Click on the headers to sort the data
- Enter data on the filter input boxes to filter the data
- Click on the Reporte button on the toolbar to compile a pdf report from html with pdfkit-clj
- Click on the PDF button on the toolbar to compile a pdf report with clj-pdf
- Click on the CSV button on the toolbar to export to csv
- A new menu option will now be available Contacts
- Create migration files for new table under /resources/migrations. Look at other migrations to get syntax
- From project directory: execute lein migrate to create the new table on the database
- From project directory: execute lein grid 'yourtablename' this will create the following:
- A folder /src/sk/handlers/admin/'yourtablename'
- A file /src/sk/handlers/admin/'yourtablename'/handler.clj
- A file /src/sk/handlers/admin/'yourtablename'/model.clj
- A file /src/sk/handlers/admin/'yourtablename'/view.clj
- Make sure to edit and modify files as needed.
- Make sure to recompile program with 'lein run' to update software with the new routes.
- From project directory: execute lein dashboard 'yourtablename' this will create the following:
- A folder /scr/sk/handlers/'yourtablename'
- A file /src/sk/handlers/'yourtablename'/handler.clj
- A file /src/sk/handlers/'yourtablename'/model.clj
- A file /src/sk/handlers/'yourtablename'/view.clj
- Make sure to edit and modify files as needed.
- Make suer to recompile program with 'lein run' to update software with the new routes.
- lein private
- Will update system to accomodate changes for menus/private routes etc...
- lein open
- Will update system to accomodate changes for menus/routes etc...
- Look at /resources/templates for examples of different input types ex. combobox, date, email, image etc...
- Look at /src/sk/handlers/tref/handler.clj for examples of lookups for combobox fields, or other misc routes.
- Look at /src/sk/models/crud.clj for functions to generate crud sql stmts.
- Query ex: (note on all of the crud examples 'db' is the database connection from /src/sk/models/crud.clj
(Query db "select * from users")
- Query! ex:
(let [id 1]
(Query! db ["delete from users where id = ?" id ]))
- Insert ex:
(let [row {:username "Gido" :password "somepwd"}
table "users"]
(Insert db (keyword table) row))
- Insert multi ex:
(def data
{:username "Gido"
:password "gpass"}
{:username "Mary"
:password "mpass"}
(let [table "users"
rows data]
(Insert-multi db (keyword table) rows))
- Update ex:
(let [table "users"
id 5
row {:username "Gido"
:password "gpass"}
where-clause ["id = ?" id]
(Update db (keyword table) row where-clause))
- Save ex: (Note this will create a new item if it does not find and existing item and update an existing item if it exists)
(let [table "users"
id nil
row {:username "gido"
:password "gmpass"}
where-clause ["id = ?" id]]
(Save db (keyword table) row where-clause))
- Delete ex:
(let [table "users"
id 1
where-clause ["id = ?" id]
(Delete db (keyword table) where-clause))
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
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