Project realized by Eleonora Mancini and Francesco Rambaldi as a part of the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation
exam of the Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence @ University of Bologna (A.A. 2019-2020).
In particular, this project has been realized in the context of the NAO Planning Competition - 2019.
AI and Creativity
With our project we want to convey the idea of A.I. by creating fully automatic system (from song selection to choreography generation).
We used simulated annealing, which has a probabilistic component, because it allows us to find a different solution every time.
This simulates the concept of live performance, which we think can excite the spectator, because it is unpredictable.
This project is part of the NAO Planning Competition - 2019, a competition with the aim of mixing AI with creativity.
Deploying an algorithm to generate transitions between different positions.
Create a choreography for the NAO robot so that is:
- fully automated using AI techniques
- suitable for the song that is selected randomly
Learning Outcomes
- to devise techniques for automatic and creative generation of complex movements in robots, such as choreographies
- strong interdisciplinarity, involving robot learning, human-robot interaction, cognitive studies of movement, creativity
Problem statement
In order to model the problem we had at our disposal:
Constraints to be satisfied
- possible incompatibilities between two consecutive positions (use of simulator in Choreographe to understand if and what they are)
- time constraints (max 3 minutes)
- constraints on the number of intermediate positions to be used in the whole choreography
Main aspects
- Association of a move with the amplitude of the song at a given moment
- Use of multi-thread for the management of the:
- Search algorithm
- Music detection
- Execution of the choreography on the virtual robot
- The song is selected automatically after running the program:
- in the program folder there is a folder with all the possible example song
- Use of the Local Search Algorithm Simulated Annealing
The application flow can be divided in two main phases:
- preparation
- execution
- Generation of all the possible pairs of moves
- Store the time spent to go from one position to another while testing on the virtual robot the pairs of moves
- Generation of a dictionary: { (move_1, move_2) : time }
- Classification of the moves into 3 different classes:
- Slow moves
- Normal moves
- Fast moves
- Decomposition of the main problem in 7 sub-problems
- Execution of simulated annealing multiple times
- Selection of the best solution:
- Best solution = respected constraints + total number of moves between 40 and 46
- If there isn’t any solution which respects the constraints the execution restart from point 2.
- Start 2 threads:
- Play song
- Connect to the robot and execute the choreography
Library Name |
argparse |
ffmpeg |
glob |
itertools |
math |
matplotlib |
naoqi |
numpy |
operator |
os |
pydub |
random |
scipy |
sys |
threading |
utils |
We tested our project on Linux system, so it is recommended to run the program on a UNIX system (4 GB of RAM at least).
To install all the required packages, please run the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to test the algorithm on ready-to-use audio files:
- Download the Music folder from here and copy it in the PartyNAO main folder.
If you want to test the algorithm on new tracks
- Create a Music folder within the main folder (PartyNAO).
- Within the Music folder, create a sub-folder Music_Mono.
- Put the desired audio file into the Music folder. The constraint for the algorithm to work correctly is that the file must be 3 minutes long and be in .wav format
Open a terminal in the main folder of the project (i.e.
) and run using the following command:python -p PORT
. The PORT argument can be retrieved as follows:- If you are using a virtual robot on Choregraphe, open the "Robot browser" window and copy the
value showed there - If you are using a real robot, set the
of the real robot asport
- If you are using a virtual robot on Choregraphe, open the "Robot browser" window and copy the
Once started, our program will:
- select a song randomly from the Music folder
- plot its amplitude
- run simulated annealing algorithm
- find the best sequence of moves for the selected song
- automatically start the music and the choreography: let's party NAO!
In this folder you can find a short demo of our application in .mp4 format.
Eleonora Mancini, Francesco Rambaldi
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.