Bot for setting up discord channels via commands. Designed for Massey CSIT server, which has lots of similar categories, one for each course.
- Install (
- Create a bot account and invite it to your server (
- Required Privileged Gateway Intents (Bot): Message Content Intent
- Required Permissions (OAuth2): Manage Roles, Manage Channels, View Channels, Send Messages
- Ensure its role is listed before any course roles (Server Settings > Roles)
- Copy the token (under Bot on and save as token.txt
- Run the bot locally (python3
The following commands are available (any server channel the bot can see will work, author must have admin permission):
!ccadd <course_names>
Will add roles & channels for the listed courses, reusing existing roles if possible. Course names must start with a 6-digit number, and are separated by a newline character. Example:
159271 Computational Thinking
158247 Database Design
Note: This must be entered as a single command. Copy & paste or use <shift-enter>
!ccdelete <course_numbers>
!rcdelete <course_numbers>
Will delete matching channels (ccdelete) or roles (rcdelete) using regular expression. Examples:
!ccdelete 159271|158247
!rcdelete 159271|158247
!ccdelete 159.*
!ccdelete .*
Note: Matching will be done via role names, so channels must be deleted before roles. Only 6-digit role names are considered, so non-course channels and roles will never be deleted.
Watch out for active courses running in summer semester!
!ccmatch <course_numbers>
!rcmatch <course_numbers>
Like !ccdelete
or !rcdelete
except that it only lists matching courses or roles without deleting them.
For role auto-assignment, YAGPDB bot can be used:
- Setup of role auto-assign must be done manually on under Tools & Utilities > Role Commands
- Once set up, create new role menu (