Module that provides tools for writing macros in Foundry VTT. Build with Pathfinder 1e in mind, but some functionality will be useful for other game systems as well.
Class for generating multi-attack outputs in a compact format, similar to the pf_attack template in roll20. Provides highlighting of natural 1s and 20s, and confirmation rolls conditional on the attack roll being a threat.
let attack_bonus = 12;
let damage = '1d12+9+2d6[sneak attack]';
let crit = { range: 19, damage: '2d12+18' }; // 19-20/x3 critical
let table = new AttackTable('Full Attack (Greataxe)');
await table.addAttack('1st attack', attack_bonus, damage, crit);
await table.addAttack('2nd attack', attack_bonus - 5, damage, crit);;
Damage rolls are rounded down automatically:
let table = new AttackTable(`Empowered Scorching Ray`);
await table.addAttack('1st ray', 10, `(4d6)*1.5`);
await table.addAttack('2nd ray', 10, `(4d6)*1.5`);;
Combat maneuver checks can use addManeuver
(damage is optional):
let cmb = 13;
let damage = '1d6+4'
let table = new AttackTable('Grapple');
await table.addManeuver('', cmb, damage);;
let img_bite = '<img src="" width="20" height="20" style="vertical-align: middle">';
let img_claw = '<img src="" width="20" height="20" style="vertical-align: middle">';
let table = new AttackTable(`Natural Attacks`);
await table.addAttack(img_bite + ' Bite', 8, '1d8+4');
await table.addAttack(img_claw + ' Claw', 8, '1d6+4');
await table.addAttack(img_claw + ' Claw', 8, '1d6+4');
table.addNote('Claws also deal 1 bleed on hit.');;
The function damageRollAndButton
can be used to add custom damage or healing rolls, for use within notes.
let table = new AttackTable('Lay on Hands');
table.addNote('Healing ' + await AttackTable.damageRollAndButton("1d6", {heal: true}));;
let table = new AttackTable('Fireball (DC 19)');
table.addNote('Damage: ' + await AttackTable.damageRollAndButton("10d6", {half: true, save: "ref"}));;
Class to simplify creation of a dialog that collects user input.
let d = new InputDialog('Attack Bonuses', { single: 'Single Attack', full: 'Full Attack' });
d.addInput('Attack Bonus', 'ab', 2);
d.addInput('Damage Bonus', 'db', 0);
d.addCheckbox('Hasted', 'hasted', false);
d.addSelect('Weapon', 'weapon', ['fists', 'staff']);
d.render(async (data) => {
let ab = 5 + data.ab;
let damage = `1d6+${4 + data.db}`;
let table = new AttackTable(`Attack (${data.weapon})`);
await table.addAttack('1st attack', ab, damage);
if (data.button != 'single') {
await table.addAttack('Flurry', ab, damage);
if (data.hasted)
await table.addAttack('Haste', ab, damage);