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Nick Gorbikoff edited this page Jul 22, 2013 · 66 revisions

ComfortableMexicanSofa - Rails CMS Engine

Do you need something to manage content for your Rails application? There's nothing more powerful and easier than ComfortableMexicanSofa.

  • ComfortableMexicanSofa is open source and completely free
  • It's a Rails Engine so it's easy to install and work with
  • Powerful page templating capability
  • Straightforward integration with your application
  • Very comfortable

Managing Content


Gems / Engines / Plugins

Here is a list of CMS engines that can be used to enhance CMS and extend feature set. Some can be used separately from Comfortable Mexican Sofa. List of CMS Engines


Be as awesome as these guys and help Sofa become even better.

Help and Contact


You if you have any questions feel free to contact me via @GroceryBagHead