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Configuration parameters

Dimitar Goshev edited this page Jan 16, 2020 · 10 revisions

The parameter definitions below follow the pattern: parameter name - default value - description.

  • HOST_NAME - - The hostname, which other instance nodes can use to contact the service
  • HTTP_PORT - 8080 - The port of the HTTP server.
  • XYZ_HUB_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT - http://localhost:8080/ - The public endpoint.
  • INSTANCE_COUNT - 1 - The initial count of service instances.
  • INSERT_LOCAL_CONNECTORS - true - If set to true, the connectors configuration will be populated with connectors defined in connectors.json.. Existing connector definitions with the same ID are not overwritten.

Space and connector storage


  • STORAGE_DB_URL - jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres- The PostgreSQL URL.
  • STORAGE_DB_USER - postgres - The database user.
  • STORAGE_DB_PASSWORD - password - The database password.


  • SPACES_DYNAMODB_TABLE_ARN - N/A - The ARN of the space table in DynamoDB.|
  • CONNECTORS_DYNAMODB_TABLE_ARN - N/A_ - The ARN of the connectors table in DynamoDB.|
  • PACKAGES_DYNAMODB_TABLE_ARN - N/A_ - The ARN of the packages table in DynamoDB.|


  • XYZ_HUB_AUTH - DUMMY - The Authorization type. Possible values are DUMMY and JWT.
  • JWT_PUB_KEY - As defined in resources/auth/jwt.pub_ - The public key used for verifying the signature of the JWT tokens. A private and public key are included in /resources/auth/


  • XYZ_HUB_REDIS_HOST - localhost - The redis host.
  • XYZ_HUB_REDIS_PORT - 6379 - The redis port.

Intranode messaging

  • ADMIN_MESSAGE_TOPIC_ARN - N/A - The ARN of the admin message topic.
  • ADMIN_MESSAGE_JWT - N/A - The JWT token used for sending admin messages.
  • ADMIN_MESSAGE_PORT - 8081 - The port for the admin message server.

Event queue

  • GLOBAL_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE - 1024 - The total size assigned for remote functions queues in megabytes.
  • REMOTE_FUNCTION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - 20 - The default timeout for remote functions requests.
  • FS_WEB_ROOT - www - The web root for serving static resources from the file system.


  • LOG_CONFIG - log4j2-console-plain.json - The LOGJ2 configuration file.

Event relocation

  • XYZ_HUB_S3_BUCKET - N/A - An S3 Bucket, which connectors with transfer limitations, could use to relocate responses.