Notable changes
- Handle thrown JS runtime custom exceptions containing a message and a grpc code to be returned in the server response.
- Add function to retrieve a random set of users to server framework.
- Add ChannelMessageSend function to server framework.
- Add BuildChannelId function to server framework.
- Apple Sign-In is now supported across both Web and mobile tokens.
- Status messages can now be up to 2048 characters (increased from 128 characters).
- Improved SQL used in unfiltered group listings queries.
- Throw error instead of panic when attempting to create a group with the system user.
- Add userId field for permission check in JavaScript/Lua runtimes groupUpdate functions.
- Allow standard space characters in usernames for direct compatibility with Steam display names.
- Build with Go 1.16.7 release.
- Allow batch-only leaderboard and tournament score lookups from the server framework.
- Return a better error message when single input wallet updates are performed for a user which does not exist.
- Update to newer Apple guidelines on Game Center root certificate validation in authentication.
- Fix creator id being read from the wrong argument in JavaScript runtime groupUpdate function.
- Fix max count being incorrectly validated in groupUpdate JavaScript runtime function.
- Fix error handling when attempting to write records to a tournament that does not exist.
- Fix JavaScript runtime missing fields from leaderboards/tournaments get, list, and write functions.
- Fix JavaScript runtime ownerId field bad parsing in leaderboard/tournament records list functions.
- Fix parameter usage in leaderboard score set operator.
- Fix JavaScript runtime storageList not returning a cursor.
NOTE: For developers who use the Go server runtime support. The nakama-common package at v1.16.0 must be used with this release.
env GO111MODULE=on go get "github.com/heroiclabs/nakama-common/[email protected]"