A converter from two-player zero-sum turn-taking GDL to QBF, the paper is attached. Only the best-performed dependency-based quantification method is supported.
The experiments in the paper can be found in archive/. The code in this directory is basically a cleaner version of the code in archive/.
The converter will translate a two-player zero-sum turn-taking GDL to a QBF instance, the QBF instance is true if and only if the current player can achieve 100 points in the GDL game no matter what the other player performs.
In our paper, we designed the framework of converting a two-player zero-sum turn-taking GDL game G to a QBF instance. The framework is as follows:
G -> Ext(G) -> QASP(G) -> QBF
In this framework, G -> Ext(G) was done by Michael Thielscher in the single-player game paper (check the referenced tool in SinglePlayer/, and run the eclipse prolog file EXTTranslator.ecl), QASP(G) -> QBF was done by Fandinno et al. in their qasp2qbf tool https://github.com/potassco/qasp2qbf
More specifically, EXTTranslator.ecl can convert a GDL decription in KIF format without nested "or" operator to Ext(G). For simplicity, the author didn't handle the nested "or" operator automatically, although it can be done automatically. Check the difference between GameDescriptions/tic-tac-toe.gdl and Translations/tic-tac-toe.asp to see how the tool works. Even if EXTranslator.ecl can handle 1-level "or" operator, for performance reasons, it is recommended that all the "or" operators in the KIF input are removed manually.
Our contributions are:
We designed the correct algorithm of converting an arbitrary two-player zero-sum turn-taking GDL game to a QBF instance.
We designed and implemented an efficient encoding and quantification method that converts Ext(G) to QASP(G).
The experients in the paper can be found in archive/.
Clingo https://github.com/potassco/guide/releases (clingo must be put into PATH)
QBF solver Caqe https://github.com/ltentrup/caqe and DepQBF https://github.com/lonsing/depqbf
Python 3+
QBF preprocessor bloqqer https://fmv.jku.at/bloqqer/ (bloqqer must be put into PATH)
qasp2qbf and its dependencies (i.e., lp2normal2, lp2acyc, lp2sat) https://github.com/potassco/qasp2qbf https://research.ics.aalto.fi/software/asp/download/ (lp2normal2, lp2acyc, lp2sat must be put into PATH)
KIF to Ext(G) converter: the example usage of this tool can be found in SinglePlayer/. You need to install ECLiPSe Prolog https://eclipseclp.org/ first.
First create the answer set program Ext(G) with SinglePlayer/EXTTranslator.ecl from a GDL in KIF format
Requirement: Ext(G) must be the temporal-extended ASP program of some two-player zero-sum turn-taking GDL game G, and the 2 players must be specified when you run the following python command
Then just run the following command
python extg2qbf.py [path to the temporal-extended ASP program] [name of the current player] [name of the other player] [True|False]
The final argment indicates whether bloqqer preprocessing is activated or not.
python extg2qbf.py SinglePlayer/Translations/gttt-4x4-1-1-tippy.asp xplayer oplayer True
The unpreprocessed instance is stored in game.qdimacs, the bloqqer preprocessed instance is stored in game_bloqqer.qdimacs
To solve the instance, just run
[caqe|depqbf] game_bloqqer.qdimacs
- Yifan He, Abdallah Saffidine, Michael Thielscher