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DSF Upgrade From 0.7.0 to 0.9.0

Hauke Hund edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 2 revisions

Upgrading from 0.7.0

Upgrading the DSF from 0.7.0 to 0.9.0 involves replacing a config file, modifying the docker-compose.yml files, replacing the process plugins and recreating the containers.

If you are upgrading from 0.6.0 please see the Upgrade from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 guide first.

Modify DSF FHIR Server Setup

  1. Preparation / Backup

    • We recommend to create a backup of the /opt/fhir directory before proceeding with the upgrade.
      For example using: sudo cp -rp /opt/fhir /opt/fhir_backup_pre_0.9.0_upgrade
  2. Modify the DSF FHIR docker-compose.yml file, replace 0.7.0 with 0.9.0

    @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     version: '3.8'
    -    image:
    +    image:
         restart: on-failure
    @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ services:
           - app
    -    image:
    +    image:
         restart: on-failure
           test: ["CMD", "java", "-cp", "dsf_fhir.jar", "org.highmed.dsf.fhir.StatusClient"]
  3. Download prepared DSF FHIR server config files and extract/replace the external FHIR bundle

    The command will update the external FHIR bundle at /opt/fhir/conf/bundle.xml

    The output of the tar command should be

  4. Upgrade the DSF FHIR containers
    From /opt/fhir execute

    docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f

Modify DSF BPE Server Setup

  1. Preparation / Backup

    • We recommend to create a backup of the /opt/bpe directory before proceeding with the upgrade.
      For example using: sudo cp -rp /opt/bpe /opt/bpe_backup_pre_0.9.0_upgrade
  2. Modify the DSF BPE docker-compose.yml file

    • NUM-CODEX (non HiGHmed) instance:
      Change the bpe container version from 0.7.0 to 0.9.0, update the process exclude config and remove a bind mount

      @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
       version: '3.8'
      -    image:
      +    image:
           restart: on-failure
             test: ["CMD", "java", "-cp", "dsf_bpe.jar", "org.highmed.dsf.bpe.StatusClient"]
      @@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ services:
             - type: bind
               source: ./log
               target: /opt/bpe/log
      -      - type: bind
      -        source: ./last_event
      -        target: /opt/bpe/last_event
             - type: bind
               source: ./cache
               target: /opt/bpe/cache
      @@ -48,8 +45,8 @@ services:
      -        wwwnetzwerk-universitaetsmedizinde_dataTranslate/0.6.0
      -        wwwnetzwerk-universitaetsmedizinde_dataReceive/0.6.0
      +        wwwnetzwerk-universitaetsmedizinde_dataTranslate/0.7.0
      +        wwwnetzwerk-universitaetsmedizinde_dataReceive/0.7.0
             #TODO modify ORG_HIGHMED_DSF_BPE_PROCESS_EXCLUDED for later process versions
             #TODO add process specific environment variables, see process documentation
    • HiGHmed instance:
      Change the bpe container version from 0.7.0 to 0.9.0, update the process exclude config, and remove a bind mount

      @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
       version: '3.8'
      -    image:
      +    image:
           restart: on-failure
             test: ["CMD", "java", "-cp", "dsf_bpe.jar", "org.highmed.dsf.bpe.StatusClient"]
      @@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ services:
             - type: bind
               source: ./log
               target: /opt/bpe/log
      -      - type: bind
      -        source: ./last_event
      -        target: /opt/bpe/last_event
             - type: bind
               source: ./psn
               target: /opt/bpe/psn
      @@ -51,11 +48,11 @@ services:
      -        highmedorg_computeFeasibility/0.6.0
      -        highmedorg_computeDataSharing/0.6.0
      -        highmedorg_updateAllowList/0.6.0
      -        wwwnetzwerk-universitaetsmedizinde_dataTranslate/0.6.0
      -        wwwnetzwerk-universitaetsmedizinde_dataReceive/0.6.0
      +        highmedorg_computeFeasibility/0.7.0
      +        highmedorg_computeDataSharing/0.7.0
      +        highmedorg_updateAllowList/0.7.0
      +        wwwnetzwerk-universitaetsmedizinde_dataTranslate/0.7.0
      +        wwwnetzwerk-universitaetsmedizinde_dataReceive/0.7.0
             #TODO modify ORG_HIGHMED_DSF_BPE_PROCESS_EXCLUDED for later process versions
             #TODO add process specific environment variables, see process documentation
  3. Upgrade DSF Plugins and Process-Plugins

    • NUM-CODEX (non HiGHmed) instance:
      • Process plugins in /opt/bpe/process:

        1. Replace codex-process-data-transfer-0.6.0.jar with codex-process-data-transfer-0.7.0.jar from the latest NUM-CODEX processes release
        2. Replace dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.6.0.jar with dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.7.0.jar from the latest HiGHmed processes release

        Make sure the process plugins in /opt/bpe/process are configured with chmod 440 and chown root:bpe.

    • HiGHmed instance:
      • Process plugins in /opt/bpe/process:

        1. Replace codex-process-data-transfer-0.6.0.jar with codex-process-data-transfer-0.7.0.jar from the latest NUM-CODEX processes release
        2. Replace dsf-bpe-process-data-sharing-0.6.0.jar with dsf-bpe-process-data-sharing-0.7.0.jar from the latest HiGHmed processes release
        3. Replace dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-0.6.0.jar with dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-0.7.0.jar from the latest HiGHmed processes release
        4. Replace dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-mpc-0.6.0.jar with dsf-bpe-process-feasibility-mpc-0.7.0.jar from the latest HiGHmed processes release
        5. Replace dsf-bpe-process-local-services-0.6.0.jar with dsf-bpe-process-local-services-0.7.0.jar from the latest HiGHmed processes release
        6. Replace dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.6.0.jar with dsf-bpe-process-ping-0.7.0.jar from the latest HiGHmed processes release
        7. Replace dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-0.6.0.jar with dsf-bpe-process-update-allow-list-0.7.0.jar from the latest HiGHmed processes release

        Make sure the process plugins in /opt/bpe/process are configured with chmod 440 and chown root:bpe.

      • Plugins in '/opt/bpe/plugin':

        1. If you are using the provided PDQ MPI Client, replace dsf-mpi-client-pdq-0.7.0.jar, hapi-base-2.3.jar and hapi-structures-v25-2.3.jar with the new files from, see DSF release notes
        2. If you are using the provided openEHR Client, replace dsf-openehr-client-impl-0.7.0.jar with the new file from, see DSF release notes

        Make sure the plugins in /opt/bpe/plugin are configured with chmod 440 and chown root:bpe.

  4. Upgrade the DSF BPE containers
    From /opt/bpe execute

    docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f
  5. Verify your upgrade:

    • Verify the DSF FHIR server is running in version 0.9.0. The log should contain a message:
      INFO main - BuildInfoReaderImpl.logBuildInfo(137) | Artifact: dsf-fhir-server-jetty, version: 0.9.0, [...]
    • Verify the DSF FHIR server started without errors
    • Verify the DSF FHIR server is accessible via https, for example by browsing to (authentication with your client-certificate)
    • Verify the DSF BPE server is running in version 0.9.0. The log should contain a message:
      INFO main - BuildInfoReaderImpl.logBuildInfo(137) | Artifact: dsf-bpe-server-jetty, version: 0.9.0, [...]
    • Verify the DSF BPE server started without errors
    • Verify the DSF BPE server removed ActivityDefinition resources for the deleted process plugin from the DSF FHIR server and created new ActivityDefinition for the new process plugin.
    • Verify your install with a ping/pong test
      For a Task resource compatible with the 0.7.0 release of the ping process, see the Ping/Pong process wiki.
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