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Red Spaces Widget Creators Guide

Will explain the architecture of Spaces and how to extend them.

In essence, what is a UI?
A dialogue.
Program communicates info to the human by drawing things on display.
Human traditionally answers (interacts) via keyboard or any pointing device (voice recognition left alone for simplicity). That's why UI is interactive.

Spaces design provides for 3 basic needs:

  • Spaces themselves (how to display things)
  • Hittesting via into and map (how to interpret clicks, gestures, etc)
  • Focus model (how to interpret keyboard input)

Everything else is an implementation detail, with the aim of making programmer's and user's lives easier.


Draw-based widgets are called spaces because they are (separate) coordinate spaces that know how to draw themselves.

Minimal space includes only a few facets:

spaces/templates/space: declare-class 'space [
	;) type is used for styling and event handler lookup, may differ from template name!
	type:	'space		#type [word!] =
	;) draw tells how to render this space (empty look by default)
	draw:   does [[]]  	#type [function!]
	;) size tells outside observers how big the render was
	size:   0x0			#type [pair! (0x0 +<= size)] =?
	;) parent is used to invalidate upper spaces when important facet changes
	parent: none		#type [object! none!]
	;) limits specify sizing constraints
	limits: none		#type [object! (range? limits)  none!] =? :invalidates
	;) cache lists words that internal cache should memorize and restore along with rendered look
	cache:  [size]		#type [block! none!]
	;) cached holds internal cache data (explained in the relevant chapter)
	cached: tail copy [0.0 #(none)]	#type [block!]

As you can see, all facets have type, validity check, and equality type used to detect a change. limits also triggers invalidation when changed. More about class system you can read in

To make spaces more lightweight, optimal definition model looks like this:

my-space-context: context [							;) context for functions shared by all spaces of this type
	~: self											;) shortcut for the wrapping context
	my-fun: function [space [object!] ...] [		;) functions should accept space instance
		...lots of code...

	declare-template 'my-space/space [
		my-fun: function [...] [
			~/my-fun self ...						;) in-space function should delegate it's task to the shared function

This way, every instance of my-space carries only short dispatching code rather than copying all the big functions from it's template. my-space-context name is not necessary: contexts can be anonymous. But functions from named contexts can be used by respective event handlers or when debugging.

my-space is built upon the most basic space template, inheriting all of it's facets, constraints and on-change handlers. After that you can use my-space as a base for new templates.

Instantiation of space template is done using make-space function.

Spaces can be created and rendered freely, but to properly use them and apply styles one needs a host face. It is based on the base View widget, and provides event dispatching, styling and visual updates.

How to use host face is explained in quickstart.


Is done by calling render function: draw-commands: render 'some-space.

render accepts either a space! or face! object. It uses /type facet to find a proper style for it.

render internally calls:

  • space's style function if style is a function, not a block (style function should call draw then)
  • space's draw function otherwise

Space's draw function (as well as it's style function) must:

  • return a block of draw commands to visualize that space
  • set space's /size facet to a pair! value, unless space is infinite
  • set space's /map facet if space contains other spaces (map syntax described below); for that it must render those spaces, resulting in a tree of render calls

Host face is rendered as host/draw: render host if out of order update is required, otherwise it takes care of redrawing itself on next timer event of the host.

draw may support the following refinements (if it does, it's style function must also support these and pass through):

  • /window xy1 [pair! none!] xy2 [pair! none!] if it makes sense to draw only an area (xy1..xy2) of it. E.g. spaces that are likely to occur inside a scrollable (list, grid) support it. Infinite spaces must support it, because one cannot draw an infinite space wholly.
  • /on canvas [pair!] fill-x [logic!] fill-y [logic!] if space adapts it's size to given canvas (most spaces do). This is the basis of automated sizing. Explained below.

Space's redraw is the most expensive operation, so it is only done when necessary. Host checks if it's assigned space was invalidated to decide if it should render it. Render will fetch from cache anything that was not invalidated.

Another very expensive operation is the drawing itself, that is setting host's /draw facet, even if it's value didn't change. So if you have a complex layout that is cached, but some tiny thing that is updated often, you'll pay with big CPU load. grid-test4 is an example of that: it only updates the FPS text, but Draw has to redraw everything anew. In such cases it will be preferable to have FPS on a separate host face.


Some spaces have a fixed size (e.g. rectangle's size is controlled by the owner).
Most other spaces however set their own size, adapting it to the given canvas size within range allowed by limits facet.

size can be 0x0 before the first call to draw, and none for infinite spaces.

Since size is set by draw, it is quite volatile and represents space's size on the last rendered frame in a given canvas. New frame - new size. Moreover, often to render a single frame, a series of canvas sizes is given to the draw before the optimal final size is found. Layout can be moving, resizing, rotating, distorting, but between two frames (two render calls) size is a constant.


Is an argument to spaces' draw function and to their style function, which is passed if these functions support /on canvas [pair!] fill-x [logic!] fill-y [logic!] refinement. To properly handle resizing one must understand how to interpret it.

canvas is best understood as the amount of free space inside the parent. Colored box space can be used to visualize it, as it tries to fill all of it's canvas.

fill-x and fill-y flags request that space fills the canvas along one or both of its axes (if possible). render guarantees that infinite canvas dimensions received by draw are always accompanied by false fill flag, however if draw is called manually, one must ensure this consistency (e.g. if container infinitely extends along some axis it should also set corresponding fill flag to false before calling child's draw func).

Internally canvas has an encoded form, which is mostly used by the cache...

While decoded canvas is three values: pair and 2 logic flags, encoded canvas is a single pair with flags affecting the sign:

  • negative sign for fill = true
  • positive sign for fill = false and infinite dimensions


  • infxinf is a special pair! value exported by Spaces and is used to represent virtual infinity. Equals 2e9 by 2e9
  • /draw doesn't have to support /on canvas fill-x fill-y, and it doesn't have to be passed to it: in this case the default is infxinf false false

To simplify working with canvas, following functions exist in spaces/ctx context:

  • subtract-canvas canvas [pair!] value [pair!] is used to subtract margins mostly. It's like normal subtraction, but:
    • infinite amounts stay infinite (equal to infxinf/x)
    • does not make canvas less than 0x0
  • finite-canvas canvas [pair!] returns canvas modulo infxinf, that is it turns infinite sizes into zero, which is useful to obtain the size that should be filled
See typical canvas handling code example...
context [
	~: self												;-- way for space to refer to this context
	;; shared draw function for all spaces in the template
	draw: function [space [object!] canvas: infxinf [pair! none!] fill-x: no [logic! none!] fill-y: no [logic! none!]] [ 
		... draws the space ...
	declare-template 'my-template [
		draw: function [/on canvas [pair!] fill-x [logic!] fill-y [logic!]] [
			~/draw self canvas fill-x fill-y			;-- dispatches call into a shared function

Note that space's /draw may have all arguments as none which it passes to a shared /draw, which assumes the defaults (infxinf, no, no) for this case.

Umbrella namespace

To minimize the risk of clashing with the user words, an umbrella namespace is used to access common features:

>> ? spaces
SPACES is an object! with the following words and values:
     ctx        object!       [exports dump-event dump-tree dorc add-indent mold pr...
     events     object!       [cache on-time previewers finalizers handlers registe...
     templates  map!          [space timer stretch <-> rectangle triangle image box...
     styles     hash!         length: 58  make hash! [base [below: [fill-pen 255.25...
     layouts    object!       [list tube ring]
     keyboard   object!       [focusable focus history valid-path? last-valid-focus...
     VID        object!       [styles host? host-on-change init-spaces-tree wrap-va...

spaces/ctx contains every function and context defined, and it is the context under which all spaces code operates internally. By binding your code to it you get access to all the features:

do with spaces/ctx [...code...] 

For convenience, a few names are duplicated from spaces/ctx into spaces map: events, templates, etc.

Also some functions are exported into global namespace, e.g. make-space, space?, focused?, etc.


Just painting inner spaces is not enough. Need interactivity (e.g. for hittesting, and keyboard input):

  • to recognize spaces within other spaces
  • to support coordinate transformation (esp. for hittesting)
  • to know the order of inner spaces (esp. for tabbing)

Composite space (that "contains" other spaces) should be extended with any or both of:

into: func [xy [pair!] /force child [object! none!]] -> [object! pair!] or none

map: [
	object! [offset pair! size pair!]		;) e.g.: inner-space [offset 10x10 size 100x100]
	object! [offset pair! size pair!]

/map facet can be static (unlikely case), but most of the time it is filled by space's /draw function. If space can support caching, it should list map in it's /cached facet, e.g. cached: [size map].

/parent facet is set by render automatically depending on what parent space called it. Only single parent is allowed (you can read a design card for more details on that).

These facets are used to construct tree paths:

  • map is used by traversal functions (like list-spaces or foreach-*ace), and by hittest (descending order) Traversal functions are in turn used by tabbing mechanics to switch keyboard focus
  • into is used (and preferred over map) by hittest (also descending order), and into often uses map itself
  • parent is used by cache invalidation and by timers (ascending order)

Tree paths are used to look up:

  • styles in style sheets
  • event handlers among defined events


Function that is used in hittesting only.

  • takes a point in it's space's coordinate system
  • determines which inner space this point lands to
  • returns the inner space and a point in inner space's coordinate system, or none if it lands outside
  • when child argument is not none, it should translate coordinates into the given child (only required if this space wants to support dragging) even it point lands outside; /force value should be ignored
    if child is no longer present in the space, it should return 0x0 coordinate for it (happens when testing paths that were valid on one frame, but became invalid on another)

This allows for rotation, compression, reflection, anything. Can we make a "mirror" space that reflects another space along some axis? Easily.

into is not required for hittesting, it just makes it possible to use all these transformations on events. If all inner spaces are just boxes, map should be defined instead. into is also often used for translation in spaces that support origin (containers of all kind).

into does not provide tree iteration capability (e.g. for tabbing). If iteration is needed (e.g. inner spaces are focusable), then map should also be provided.

Geometries in such map are ignored and can be absent or contain invalid/dummy/empty values, e.g.:

  • [inner-space [] ...] (no offset or size)
  • [inner-space [offset 0x0 size 0x0] ...] (dummy geometry)
  • [inner1 inner2 ...] (no geometry)


Is a block that tells which inner space occupies which region (offset & size) of this space on the last frame.
Order: first items get precedence in case of overlap. So map can be thought of a reverse Z-order: topmost child appears first in the map.
Format described above.

Map is only good for rectangular geometry (which is the majority of use cases anyway). In this case into is not needed and map is used for hittesting.

map should be filled by each draw call (or if draw is a static block - map must be defined at space creation). Before the 1st draw call: what isn't drawn does not exist.

map/child/size <> child/size in general case: map defines it's geometry in parent's coordinates, while child/size is it's size in it's own coordinates. E.g. parent may scale it's child.


Is controlled by the /cache facet, which is a block listing what other facets to cache. Most spaces are cached by default, which can be turned off by setting cache: none.

What caching system does is for each given canvas it remembers the outcome: result of /draw, as well as any other facets listed in the /cache block (usually it's [size map]). Then if the same canvas value is provided, it fetches and sets the cached facets and returns the recalled /draw result.

Most facets use the class system to define equality type and a function that gets called when facet change is detected by equality test. One way or another, this function eventually calls invalidate on the space in question. invalidate bubbles up the tree to clear this space's cache and cache of all of it's parents. So important facet change eventually leads to a redraw.

Equality type considerations:

  • =? is the fastest operator and should be used e.g. for integer or pair facets
  • = is good for word facets, as we don't usually care about their case
  • == is good for (short) string facets, as we do care about their case; for long string facets it's inefficient and it's better to invalidate it than to lose time in comparison (e.g. in a big text some character changes during an edit)
  • no criterion: invalidation always happens on facet assignment, even if the value is the same; good for bigger facets, internal ones and those not supposed to be changed (like functions)


>> ? invalidate
     INVALIDATE [space]

     Invalidate SPACE cache, to force it's next redraw. 
     INVALIDATE is a function! value.

     space        [object!] {If present, space/on-invalidate is called instead of cache/invalidate.}

     /only        => Do not invalidate parents (e.g. if they are invalid already).
     /info        => Provide info about invalidation.
        cause        [object! none!] "Invalidated child object or none."
        scope        [word! none!] "Invalidation scope: 'size or 'look."

You can have your own caching mechanism if you define on-invalidate facet of the following form:

on-invalidate: function [
    space [object!]
    cause [none! object!]
    scope [none! word!]
] [...]

It will be called by invalidate instead of clearing the cached facet.

On parameters:

  • cause starts with none, but as invalidation bubbles up, it gets set to the child that caused invalidation of the parent receiving the call. It is used e.g. by grid to find out the coordinate of invalidated cell and contain invalidation to given row and column, while maintaining cache on the other rows and columns.
  • scope can be:
    • 'size or none for full invalidation
    • 'look for a hint that only color or other cosmetic change was detected, that doesn't affect the size 'look can be used as an optimization, e.g. in some big list an item changes it's look and list doesn't have to re-render all other items as it knows it's overall size did not change: it only needs to re-render the item in question.
Cache is held within the /cached facet...
It has the following form: ``` [ ;) block's head is located after these 3 values ... ] ``` Generation number gets updated from the host's `/generation` facet which is increased on every render call. Last state can be either `'cached` (fetched from cache during last render) or `'drawn` (an actual call to `/draw` happened during last render). This data is used by timers to track spaces that are still live (on the tree), so timers for orphaned subtrees can be disabled to save resources. Slot generation numbers are used by cache to keep itself from creep.


Spaces should include facets that affect their appearance, e.g. margin or font, and provide reasonable defaults. Those defaults may then be overridden in styles. It's not a necessity, but practicality: it's easy to modify space's facets, but if margin and font were hardcoded in the styling function, modifying it would require it's replacement.

Visual features that are not meant to be changed between different instances of a space template, should be hardcoded into the template style. See the manual on style definition.

Template styles should not include any logic unrelated to visual appearance, as they should be easy to replace.

For simpler usage in VID/S, a VID/S style should be defined as well. It's done by extending the spaces/VID/styles map:

extend spaces/VID/styles [
	my-style-name [										;) VID/S style name
		template: template-name							;) name of the template used to create space with
		spec:     [.. default init code ..]				;) spec is used as in: `make-space 'template-name spec`
		facets: [
			some-datatype!  some-facet-name				;) data of this type will be auto-assigned to this facet
			other-datatype! some-function-value			;) data of this type will be passed as argument to given function
			flag-name       [.. code to evaluate ..]	;) code will be evaluated if flag is met in VID/S
		layout:   name-of-the-custom-layout-function	;) use this only if you want to extend layout syntax beyond the default

Comments above basically summarize the whole syntax of it. A few remarks:

  • facets block is what makes it more user friendly, so use it
  • to put function values into this block, use compose/deep or reshape
  • spec is good to alter hardcoded defaults
  • layout should usually be omitted
    • if provided, it's spec should be func [block [block!] /styles sheet [map! none!]]
    • it should process the block and return a block of code to be used to build it's content pane
    • code will be bound to the space and evaluated after it's construction
    • sheet carries currently accumulated VID/S styles and should be passed to lay-out-vids to create panes of inner spaces


Events handlers provide interactivity to a space template. See the manual about how to write event handlers. Space should include all necessary levers inside, and event handlers used only to operate these levers and be kept short and clean.

Key takeaways:

  • same event and handler names as in View
  • function constructor is used to prevent set-words leakage
  • handlers are function lists, not single functions
  • receive path on the tree
  • path is relative to the space for which the handler is defined
  • previewers and finalizers for fine event flow control
  • two-dimensional event handler lookup order (see the manual)
  • event handlers (for the whole template) are not actors (that belong to an individual space), handlers are written by widget designer, actors - by widget user

Function lists

Unlike faces, where all the magic of how widget works is done in R/S or by the OS, handlers have to implement the magic manually.
If this magic was overridden, widget would become rather useless.
So in Spaces, handlers are function lists: each handler entry given to define-handler function adds a new function to the list.

List is associated with a path, e.g. menu/list/clickable or just button.

List handlers are evaluated from the newest to the oldest (e.g. user handler -> extension handler -> default handler). This allows descending widgets to conditionally block handlers of their ascendants, esp. useful to filter keyboard events, with stop/now command.

Unqualified stop command doesn't block event from reaching the older (ascendant) handlers, only from reaching handlers with shorter path, but that is automatic and requires explicit pass to counter it.

Previewers and finalizers

Manual explains the basics and how to write one.

Key concepts:

  • use masks to select events to respond to
  • cannot be blocked via stop command
  • can generate new events (see event generation)
  • evaluated in order from the first defined to the last defined
  • same as normal handlers, these are called hierarchically, e.g. for path menu/list/clickable there will be 3 global handler calls: menu/list/clickable, list/clickable and clickable (if they are defined)
    • handler may use head? path test if it doesn't need to be evaluated for child spaces (e.g. right-click on a menu-enabled space only wants to find the innermost menu facet, and should not show multiple menus if there's more than one)

Event generation

spaces/events/dispatch is the function that receives View events and decides how to handle them.

spaces/events/process-event is the function that can be called to pass emulated events into event handlers.

>> ? spaces/events/process-event
     PROCESS-EVENT path event args focused?

     Process the EVENT calling all respective event handlers. 
     PROCESS-EVENT is a function! value.

     path         [block!] "Path on the space tree to lookup handlers in."
     event        [event! object!] "View event or simulated."
     args         [block!] "Extra arguments to the event handler."
     focused?     [logic!] {Skip parents and go right into the innermost space.}
  • path you usually get in the previewer/finalizer; just pass it further
  • event you get from View, in the same previewer/finalizer
  • args are only used right now to pass delay to timers, and should be an empty block everywhere else
  • focused? is true for keyboard and focus/unfocus events: only focused spaces should receive these, not their parents

Focus & Tabbing

Focus allows to direct keyboard events (key key-down key-up enter) into a particular "focused" space. Tabbing cycles focus between spaces when Tab key is pressed.

spaces/keyboard/focus holds the currently focused space's path. Focused space can be changed via:

  • calling focus-space function directly (it accepts a space or it's tree path)
  • clicking (down mid-down alt-down aux-down dbl-click) on a point that intersects with a focusable space
  • tabbing (module)

Focused space is saved as a tree path. So for tabbing (and focus in general) to work properly, items in that path should not be discarded. If object in that path is no longer in it's parent's map, focus becomes invalid (which is equivalent to no focus) and attempt to focus next or previous space will start from last valid focused path.

Focusable space types are listed in spaces/keyboard/focusable block (new types can be added there at will, simply as words).

Only rendered spaces can be focused by tabbing or focus-space, and clicking can only focus visible ones. Spaces must be present in the maps of their parents. Map may or may not include spaces outside the scrollable's viewport, it's implementation-dependent. If tabbing into a space outside of the viewport is desired, spaces near the edge of it should be put into the map.

Tabbing order is the order of the tree, i.e. defined by map order (in turn may be defined by content order in case of list space, etc.). list-spaces and dump-tree functions can be used to visualize it.

Space tree has 2 dimensions: outer/inner (depth-wise) and previous/next (sibling nodes).
Forward order (Tab key) is defined as outer->inner and previous->next, e.g.:


Because Shift-Tab should be a full reverse of Tab, same for any iteration, reverse order is defined as inner->outer and next->previous (even though inner->outer part may cause some confusion):


Example code with a new focusable space:

#include %spaces/

declare-template 'my-space/space [
	size: 50x50
	draw: does [[box 1x1 49x49]]
append spaces/keyboard/focusable 'my-space

set-style 'my-space [
	above: when focused? (compose [text 7x17 "FOCUS"])

define-handlers [
	my-space: [on-key [space path event] [print event/key]]

view [host focus [my-space]]

Press Tab or click on the box space to focus it (should be indicated by "FOCUS" word). Then it will print every key pressed.



Usually the first thing to do when something unexplicable happens is to ensure assertions are turned on. In after inclusion of the off line should be commented out:

#include %../common/
; #assert off

Assertions may slow down Spaces operation some, but are useful to contain the error.


  • divert the output of your program to a file, e.g. red |tee log or red >log
  • run the script until the error occurs
  • inspect the log file: usually the first failed assertion is the cause of misbehavior

Assertions are assumptions about how code works. Failed assumptions do not necessarily mean bugs. Sometimes it's the assumption that's wrong, which helps you build a correct mental model at earlier stages of development. But sometimes I'm using them in places where proper errors must be thrown but I have no time to bother with proper error detection and reporting (yet).

Debug output

Is very helpful in nailing down the issue. E.g. Red tells you that none is unexpected in a Draw block. How do you know which one it is? You turn draw debugging and it will tell you in the log.

In there's a whole bunch of commented out debug directives:

#include %../common/						;-- need #debug macro so it can be process rest of this file
; #debug off										;-- turn off type checking and general (unspecialized) debug logs
; #debug set draw									;-- turn on to see what space produces draw errors
; #debug set profile								;-- turn on to see rendering and other times
; #debug set changes								;-- turn on to see value changes and invalidation
; #debug set cache 									;-- turn on to see what gets cached (can be a lot of output)
; #debug set sizing 								;-- turn on to see how spaces adapt to their canvas sizes
; #debug set focus									;-- turn on to see focus changes and errors
; #debug set events									;-- turn on to see what events get dispatched by hosts
; #debug set timer									;-- turn on to see timer events
; #debug set styles									;-- turn on to see which styles get applied

Uncomment relevant item, run your script and see if there's a clue in the log.

I strongy recommend #debug off be always commented out during development as it affects type and range checks of all space facets and helps you detect errors earlier.

For profile output to work, add prof/show before exit or at the point where you want the output. prof/reset can be used to reset stats. E.g. load during initialization can be different from load during usage, so it makes sense to call prof/show prof/reset after the view/no-wait call to see initialization phase, then prof/show after do-events loop quits to see the usage phase. It also makes sense sometimes to do prof/show prof/reset every one or few seconds in on-time actor, to have smaller profiling slices.

debug-draw command can be used to bring up GUI where you can inspect the spaces tree and look of each space in the tree.

Inspecting your data

Spaces are powered by custom mold implementation, which is aimed at producing readable output for programmers. It affects ?, ??, probe and save output.

Most notably, it shortens by default space objects inside other data to type:size, so don't take that for an url!:

>> render list: first lay-out-vids [hlist [text text text]]
>> ?? list/map
list/map: [
	text:0x16 [offset 10x10 size 0x16]
	text:0x16 [offset 20x10 size 0x16]
	text:0x16 [offset 30x10 size 0x16]

Also save/all output (and mold/all) now produces a fully loadable format, supported by load-anything macro.

Do use spaces console (that is run by run.bat or red or put a halt in your script where you can inspect values interactively.

?? function is also extended:

  • it accepts words and paths as the native function did
  • it also accepts blocks of words and paths to dump multiple values in a line, e.g. ?? [x y size]
  • it also accepts any value, e.g. ?? (compute something), in which case it works as probe

dorc (short for do read-clipboard) command can be used to evaluate code from the clipboard without messing up console's history. I use it a lot.

Test your widgets in VID/S Polygon

Put them into containers, e.g. into a row inside a column, and see how they work with automatic sizing. Try resizing the window.

Ready for battle?

There's a step by step practical guide to writing a new widget, with common mistakes, problems and solutions.