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Web-based batch monitor for PBS Professional by Altair, written monolithically in Rust with Axum and Askama.

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Hawkeye - Batch Monitor


A batch job monitoring solution designed for use with the PBS Professional by Altair built and designed by the Center for Research Computing and Data (CRCD) for the Metis Supercomputing Cluster at NIU.

This tool monitors jobs by parsing and storing the output of the jobstat -anL and jmanl <username> year raw commands in a persistant database, and allows you to view this data via a convenient web application.

Authentication and data access is done based on the user's actual login to the Metis cluster, which is securely and remotely verified over SSH. Similarly, commands are also run over SSH, which means this software can be deployed anywhere.

Implementation Details

Monolithic Architecture

This web application and its backend are written entirely in Rust. Rust was selected as the language, as parsing sensitive data on a scale this large requires a highly performant and secure solution - both of which are strong selling points of Rust.

One of the newer innovations in frontend development is Server Side Rendering (SSR). This has many benefits, one of the largest being faster loading times. It is possible for hundreds or even thousands of jobs to be displayed on one page; and with Client Side Rendering (CSR), this would normally be handled with an API call. This API call can slow down the browser, and possibly create a janky experience for the user as they stare at a blank page while the page loads.

By using the Askama Rust framework, this data can be directly injected and pre-rendered into the returned HTML.

Web Server and Authentication

The web server for this application is built on the Axum Rust framework. Axum is well-suited for creating safe, highly parallel, and extremely performant web servers.

Authentication is handled by remotely executing an expect script for the su command over SSH, done with the openssh crate. Sessions are stored with the tower-sessions crate. Because of the extremely sensitive nature of the credentials, both the credentials themselves and the sessions are only stored in memory - and sessions expire after 30 minutes.

Command Execution and Persistent Storage

Command execution is done remotely over SSH, after which the command output is parsed with the regex crate.

Data from jobstat, jmanl, and groups is stored persistantly in a SQLite database via the rusqlite crate. Commands are run in parallel using the asynchronus Rust framework Tokio.

CI/CD, Build Process, and Containerization

This application and its dependancies are declaratively defined using the Nix Package Manager and hash-locked using Nix Flakes. You can enter the development environment for it with nix develop .#hawkeye, or build the application wtih nix build .#hawkeye.

This application is built into a reproducible Docker container image using GitHub Actions (tutorial here), and is publically available at


This application can be deployed either using the standalone container image at or with Docker Compose.

By default, this application exposes itself on post 5777 and on the host network.

Docker Compose

Firstly, clone this respository and move into it:

git clone
cd hawkeye

Next, create a .env file, and add the following variables:

Required Variables

  • REMOTE_USERNAME - The SSH username you'd like to use to log into the remote machine
  • REMOTE_HOSTNAME - The SSH hostname of the remote machine
  • DB_PATH - The path of the DB you'd like to open from, relative to the data volume. You can leave this as data.db, if you don't know what to do. It will create a new database for you.

Optional Variables

  • RUST_LOG - The max level of logging to use. Some options are info, warn, and error. I suggest using warn, there is a staggering of output on the info level. If you wish to debug, use selective levels.
  • GROUPS_DAEMON_PERIOD - The time in seconds between each groups daemon run. The default is an hour.
  • JOBS_DAEMON_PERIOD - The time in seconds between each data gathering (jobstat). Default is every 5 minutes.
  • OLD_JOBS_DAEMON_PERIOD - The time in seconds between each data verification (jmanl). Default is every 30 minutes.

Deploying is as simple as running docker compose up -d. Please note that it may take substantial time to pull the image for the first time.

Next, you'll need to enter the container and generate an SSH keyfile:

docker exec -it hawkeye-hawkeye-1 /bin/sh
ssh-copy-id <remote_username>@<remote_hostname>

Finally, restart the stack to include the new SSH login:

docker compose restart


Web-based batch monitor for PBS Professional by Altair, written monolithically in Rust with Axum and Askama.






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