Simple demo of running a Rust Lambda function with yolov10. Uses the usls library Demonstrates user-friendly cold starts and ms latency inference.
Ensure proper AWS credentials are set up in the deployment environment
this is short for: sam build --beta-features && sam deploy --no-confirm-changeset
This will HTTP POST the image to the endpoint and save the annotated image to output.jpg
sam logs
run power-tuning/
- Optimizing the model:
pip install onnxruntime, onnx, protobuf
python -m layer/model --optimization_style Fixed --save_optimized_onnx_model --target_platform amd64
- Output
(py310) ➜ rust-lambda-inference git:(main) ✗ python -m layer/model --optimization_style Fixed --save_optimized_onnx_model --target_platform amd64 Converting models with optimization style 'Fixed' and level 'all' Saving optimized ONNX model /Users/jah/isato_labs/rust-lambda-inference/layer/model/yolov10x.onnx to /Users/jah/isato_labs/rust-lambda-inference/layer/model/yolov10x.optimized.onnx 2024-06-30 11:38:32.763593 [W:onnxruntime:, Initialize] Serializing optimized model with Graph Optimization level greater than ORT_ENABLE_EXTENDED and the NchwcTransformer enabled. The generated model may contain hardware specific optimizations, and should only be used in the same environment the model was optimized in. Converting optimized ONNX model /Users/jah/isato_labs/rust-lambda-inference/layer/model/yolov10x.onnx to ORT format model /Users/jah/isato_labs/rust-lambda-inference/layer/model/yolov10x.ort 2024-06-30 11:38:32.985152 [W:onnxruntime:, Initialize] Serializing optimized model with Graph Optimization level greater than ORT_ENABLE_EXTENDED and the NchwcTransformer enabled. The generated model may contain hardware specific optimizations, and should only be used in the same environment the model was optimized in. Converted 1/1 models successfully. Generating config file from ORT format models with optimization style 'Fixed' and level 'all' 2024-06-30 11:38:33,309 ort_format_model.utils [INFO] - Created config in /Users/jah/isato_labs/rust-lambda-inference/layer/model/required_operators.config