The slurm-cloud-integration project contains Dockerfiles, config files, python scripts, and deployment/config content designed to enable protoyping and delivery of capabilities that integrate the Kubernetes and Slurm-HPC ecosystems
The combination of the slurm-single-node, slurm-client and slurm-jupyter Dockerfiles are based upon the excellent work by Rodrigo Ancavil.
The slurm-single-node Dockerfile delivers an image that enables integration testing with a full Slurm stack w/ one worker (slurmd) node. This Dockerfile is based upon this excellent example written by Lennart Landsmeer.
The slurm-single-node Docker image is built from the project root directory as follows:
export REPOSITORY=hokiegeek2
export VERSION=23.11.4
docker build --build-arg VERSION=$VERSION -f src/docker/slurm-single-node -t $REPOSITORY/slurm-single-node:$VERSION .
To simply run the slurm-single-node docker container, execute the following command:
export REPOSITORY=hokiegeek2
export VERSION=23.11.4
docker run -it --rm --network=host --privileged $REPOSITORY/slurm-single-node:$VERSION
Note: running the docker container in privileged mode is required to run slurmrestd
In order to perform any integration testing with applications outside of the slurm-single-node, a munge.key used in the external app must be mounted into the docker container. Accordingly, to mount a munge.key and start the slurm-single-node docker container, execute the following command:
export REPOSITORY=hokiegeek2
export VERSION=23.11.4
docker run -it --rm --network=host -v $PWD/munge.key:/tmp/munge.key $REPOSITORY/slurm-single-node:$VERSION
Successful startup of slurm-single-node looks like this:
The slurm-client Dockerfile serves as a base Docker image to build slurm client images such as slurmrestd where the node is neither a slurm controller (slurmctld) nor a slurm worker (slurmd)
Building the slurm-client is as follows:
export REPOSITORY=hokiegeek2
export VERSION=23.11.4
docker build --build-arg VERSION=$VERSION -f src/docker/slurm-client -t $REPOSITORY/slurm-client:$VERSION .
Running the slurm-client is as follows:
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=bash -v /tmp/munge.key:/tmp/munge/munge.key -v /tmp/slurm.conf:/etc/slurm/slurm.conf -v /tmp/slurmdbd.conf:/etc/slurm/slurmdbd.conf -v /tmp/jwt_hs256.key:/etc/slurm/jwt_hs256.key --network=host $REPOSITORY/slurm-client:$VERSION
# Once docker container starts, start munge service
If the munge keys don't match, the following error occurs:
slurmctld: fatal: You are running with a database but for some reason we have no TRES from it. This should only happen if the database is down and you don't have any state files.
The slurm-jupyter Dockerfile and slurm-jupyter Helm chart enables deployment of the awesome NERSC jupyterlab-slurm application to Kubernetes.
The slurm-jupyter Docker image is built from the project root directory as follows:
docker build -f src/docker/slurm-jupyter -t hokiegeek2/slurm-jupyter:$VERSION .
The command sequence to start slurm-jupyterlab is contained within the file and is as follows:
# copy munge.key, set ownership and permissions, and move to config dir
sudo cp /tmp/munge/munge.key /tmp/munge.key
sudo mv /tmp/munge.key /etc/munge/munge.key
sudo chown munge:munge /etc/munge/munge.key
sudo chmod 400 /etc/munge/munge.key
# start munge authorization service
sudo service munge start
jupyter lab --no-browser --allow-root --ip= --NotebookApp.token='' \
tail -f /dev/null
Note the munge.key handling section, which is required to handle the munge.key passed in at container startup. Specifically, the munge.key file must be owned by the munge user and the permissions must be 400.
The munge.key configured for slurmctld needs to be added as a secret, which is accomplished as follows:
# Add secret encapsulating munge.key
kubectl create secret generic slurm-munge-key --from-file=/tmp/munge.key -n slurm-integration
# Confirm secret was created
kubectl get secret -n slurm-integration
slurm-munge-key Opaque 1 18d
Importantly, in analogy to the slurmd workers, the munge.key MUST be the same munge.key used in the munge service running on the slurmctld node.
Deploying slurm-jupyterlab is done via the slurm-jupyter Docker image and the slurm-jupyter Helm chart.
The helm command is executed as follows from the project root directory:
helm install -n slurm-integration slurm-jupyter-server deployment/charts/slurm-jupyter/
In addition to the helm chart artifacts, the slurm-jupyterhub k8s deployment requires the same munge.key used in the slurm cluster that the slurm-jupyterlab will connect to. The munge.key is used to create a Kubernetes secret that is mounted in the pod. The kubectl command is as follows:
kubectl create secret generic slurm-munge-key --from-file=munge.key -n slurm-integration
The configuration logic for loading the k8s munge.key secret is in the slurm-jupyter Helm template
Successful deployment of slurm-jupyterlab looks like this:
Confirm connectivity to slurm via the following commands:
# generic cluster info including slurmd node names
# specific info and statuses for each slurmd node
scontrol show nodes
The combination of the slurm-jupyter-docker and slurm-single-node Dockerfiles are based upon the excellent work by Rodrigo Ancavil.
Integration testing of slurm-jupyterlab on k8s with slurm-single-node involves running the slurm-single-node Docker image. The docker run command is as follows:
docker run -it --rm --network=host -v $PWD/munge.key:/tmp/munge.key hokiegeek2/slurm-single-node:$VERSION
The munge.key is passed into the Docker container, which is an extremely important detail. The munge key either in the slurm docker container or on a bare-metal slurm cluster must be the same munge.key in the slurm-jupyterlab deployment on k8s. If not, authentication from slurm-jupyterlab on k8s to the slurm cluster will fail with the following message:
Using the test.slurm job, as successful job execution will look as follows in slurm-jupyterlab via terminal... well as this in slurm queue manager:
...and finally this in slurm:
The Jupyterhub deployment of slurm-jupyter utilizes the kubespawner which is configured via the singleuser section of the jupyterhub values.yaml file.
slurm-jupyter can be deployed as a singleuser image within a k8s jupyterhub install
docker build -f src/docker/slurm-jupyter-notebook -t hokiegeek2/slurm-jupyter-notebook:$VERSION .
As of 20211021, the way to mount the slurm.conf and munge.key file is done as follows within the helm install command, which is executed from the $PROJECT_HOME/deployments/charts directory:
Using a fork of the zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s helm chart, the deployment is as follows:
helm install -n jupyter jupyterhub slurm-jupyterhub --values config.yaml \
--set-file singleuser.extraFiles.slurm-conf.stringData=/mnt/data/slurm/slurm.conf \
--set-file singleuser.extraFiles.munge-key.binaryData=/mnt/data/slurm/munge.key.b64
Note that the munge.key handling -> since it is a binary file, the following command must be run to generate the file submitted with the helm install:
base64 /mnt/data/slurm/munge.key > /mnt/data/slurm/munge.key.b64
There are a couple of test slurm files in this repo to confirm expected slurm job behavior from slurm-jupyter.
The slurmrestd service provides a REST endpoint to perform operations against slurm. An important benefit of slurmrestd is that it obviates the need to configure and deploy slurm libraries to clients that need slurm access.
As shown in the slurm-single-node docker file, the following slurmrestd dependencies must be installed:
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install cmake libhttp-parser-dev libjwt-dev libyaml-dev libjson-c-dev -y
As shown in the slurm-single-node docker file, the slurm build needs to be configured to (1) build slurmrestd and (2) link to the slurmrestd dependent libraries (http-parser, yaml, and jwt) via the $SLURM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY/configure command:
./configure --prefix=/storage/slurm-build --sysconfdir=/etc/slurm --enable-pam \
--with-pam_dir=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/ --without-shared-libslurm \
--with-http-parser=/usr/local/ --with-yaml=/usr/local/ --with-jwt=/usr/local/lib/ --enable-slurmrestd
Since slurmrestd uses Json Web Token for authentication, jwt has to be added as an alternative authentiation type in both the slurm.conf and slurmdbd.conf files as detailed here:
Now that slurmctld and slurmdbd are built and configured for jwt authentication, generate the jwt key to be used by slurmctld and slurmdbd to verify user tokens submitted with each slurmrestd REST call and set the permissions. For Linux, the jwt key is generated as follows:
dd if=/dev/random of=/etc/slurm/jwt_hs256.key bs=32 count=1
Set the ownership and permissions for the jwt key:
chown slurm:slurm /etc/slurm/jwt_hs256.key
chmod 600 /etc/slurm/jwt_hs256.key
Now that slurmctld and slurmdbd are configured for alternate, jwt authentication, start slurmdbd, then slurmctd.
The slurmrestd daemon is started as follows (note the SLURM_JWT=daemon env variable)
export SLURM_JWT=daemon
slurmrestd -vvvv -a rest_auth/jwt $SLURMRESTD_HOST:$SLURMRESTD_PORT
The following log message shows that slurmrestd was successfully started with jwt authentication enabled:
slurmrestd: debug: main: server listen mode activated
slurmrestd: debug3: Trying to load plugin /usr/lib/slurm/
slurmrestd: debug: auth/jwt: init: JWT authentication plugin loaded
slurmrestd: debug3: Success.
Each user accessing slurmrestd must have a JWT token, which is generated by scontrol:
export $(scontrol token)
With the jwt token in hand, execute the slurmrestd command with the following, general structure:
Run the following curl command to confirm slurmrestd is working correctly:
$ curl -H "X-SLURM-USER-NAME:slurm" -H "X-SLURM-USER-TOKEN:${SLURM_JWT}" http://localhost:6820/slurm/v0.0.37/ping
"meta": {
"plugin": {
"type": "openapi\/v0.0.36",
"name": "REST v0.0.36"
"Slurm": {
"version": {
"major": 20,
"micro": 8,
"minor": 11
"release": "20.11.8"
"errors": [
"pings": [
"hostname": "e1968f80260d",
"ping": "UP",
"status": 0,
"mode": "primary"
The slurmrestd server-side debug logging on the above request is similar to the following:
slurmrestd: debug3: _on_headers_complete: [[localhost]:39180] HTTP/1.1 connection
slurmrestd: operations_router: [[localhost]:39180] GET /slurm/v0.0.36/ping
slurmrestd: debug3: rest_auth/jwt: slurm_rest_auth_p_authenticate: slurm_rest_auth_p_authenticate: [[localhost]:39180] attempting user_name slurm token authentication
slurmrestd: debug3: _resolve_mime: [[localhost]:39180] mime read: application/x-www-form-urlencoded write: application/json
slurmrestd: debug: parse_http: [[localhost]:39674] Accepted HTTP connection
slurmrestd: debug: _on_url: [[localhost]:39674] url path: /slurm/v0.0.36/ping query: (null)
slurmrestd: debug2: _on_header_value: [[localhost]:39674] Header: Host Value: localhost:6820
slurmrestd: debug2: _on_header_value: [[localhost]:39674] Header: User-Agent Value: curl/7.58.0
slurmrestd: debug2: _on_header_value: [[localhost]:39674] Header: Accept Value: */*
slurmrestd: debug2: _on_header_value: [[localhost]:39674] Header: X-SLURM-USER-NAME Value: slurm
slurmrestd: debug2: _on_header_value: [[localhost]:39674] Header: X-SLURM-USER-TOKEN Value: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2NDE4MjMxODYsImlhdCI6MTY0MTgyMTM4Niwic3VuIjoic2x1cm0ifQ.Rc6BIFHAMlZsLQVBAgN-8kPFw5Onc5kWgqMCG287WSc
slurm-cloud-integration features several authentication Python scripts that encapsulate logic to generate RS256 JWT authentication artifacts for slurmrestd authentication.
The Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) files is a type of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) file used for keys and certificates as well as to generate the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) file used for RS256 authentication. The script is used to generate the jwks PEM file as follows;
python --pem_file_path ./slurm-jwks.pem
The jwks.json file that configures slurmrestd RS256 authentication is generated with the as follows:
python --pem_file_path=./slurm-jwks.pem --jwks_json_file_path ./jwks.json
The JSON Web Token (JWT) file used to authenticate slurmrestd clients is generated via the script as follows:
python --pem_file_path=./slurm-jwks.pem --jwks_json_file ./jwks.json
The current version of slurm needs to be removed prior to installing the new version. The command for removing slurm is as follows:
# get slurm version
slurmctld -V
# remove all slurm components
dpkg -P slurm-22.05.3
Once the previous version of slurm is removed, proceed with the standard slurm install instructions