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Core Entities

Bob Lail edited this page May 17, 2016 · 2 revisions

Entities allow Attentive to match concepts rather than specific words.

Attentive defines the following core entities, but you can easily create your own.

Common Entities
Entity Name Matches Returns 4/20/16, May 20, 2016, today, next Wednesday Date Mar, april Fixnum (1–12) Sunday, mon Fixnum (0–6) [email protected] String
core.number 42, 3.14, 0, -7.28%, $1,456,001.14 Fixnum or BigDecimal

Other Date entities
Entity Name Description matches explicit dates like May 6, 2018 or 2018-05-06 matches partial dates like May 6 where the year is assumed matches partial dates and fills in the year, assuming the date is in the future matches partial dates and fills in the year, assuming the date is in the past matches dates relative to today like tomorrow or next tuesday matches dates relative to today like tomorrow or next tuesday matches dates relative to today like yesterday or last wednesday

Other Number entities
Entity Name Description
core.number.positive matches only positive numbers, not zero
core.number.negative matches only negative numbers, not zero
core.number.integer matches only integers
core.number.integer.positive matches only positive integers, not zero
core.number.integer.negative matches only negative integers, not zero
core.number.float matches only numbers with a decimal point
core.number.float.positive matches only positive numbers with a decimal point, not zero
core.number.float.negative matches only negative numbers with a decimal point, not zero
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